Man Finds a Ship in the Jungle, but When He Looks Closer...

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Did you know that the majority of animal and plant species in the jungle are still unexplored? So there is still a lot to discover - but you have no idea what crazy things have already been found in the rainforest! Things have been spotted here that are literally out of this world! But is there really a UFO airport hidden in the jungle? Why was an artifact that blows history out of the water simply destroyed? And above all, what the hell is an ancient pirate ship doing in the middle of the jungle?
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Interesting compilation thanks for sharing 👍


ask the yank he have a whole train in the middle of nowhere


The giagantic head found in the jungles of Guatemala is fake! 😂 A rich Belgium man who owned property there created it and left it there, it was not thousands of years old lmao. You can just research it, its not that hard 😂
