Physicist Reacts to The Egg — A Short Story

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Good point with the introvert extrovert theorie. Another point could be believing in the afterlife is much more important for extroverts, because it’s hard to imagine being alone for ever. Even though we might feel nothing when we’re dead we feel the emotions thinking of being dead


While it does make sense that extroverted people might tend to be more religious, I wonder how the study that produced that statistic was conducted as well. It might vary from culture to culture and religion to religion. It might also be simply the fact that religion is often the cause/source of a lot of community and cultural events and festivals, which obviously attracts extroverts.


Since you mentioned your theory on the loneliness defense mechanism being god, you should definately watch "loneliness" from kurzgesagt, It's one of their best videos.

A bonus one wich can be pretty interesting is "optimistic nihilism".


When i first saw this short story on youtube, it completely blew my mind. When i was a kid, maybe around 14ish, i learned about reincarnation. And i use to think to myself..what if were all the same person? What if theres only one of us living different lives all together. It was so crazy to realize that others had the same thought at some point. Really trippy lol


Mate, this is one of my favorite of your videos. I definitely think you should watch more philosophical videos and share your thoughts.

Right quick, is Patreon the subscription you were talking about the other day? I want to support you and this channel the best way, so you get the most money out of the donations.

Again, thank you for continuing this journey and it’s nice to “meet” someone who has similar thoughts about this experience/simulation. If you’re in mine or I’m in yours, it’s all good for me mate… because you’re awesome. 😎


I think we r all the same consciousness, but split into pieces and we get so many different types of humans from experiences. This theory is the thing that makes the most sense to me


I met somebody who also told me that they didn't have a voice in their head for their thoughts and I couldn't even fathom the idea of that. To the point that I had a small debate with him, just to try to understand that and still, till this day, I still can't fathom that. Just shows how extremely different we all are when it comes to the functionality of our brains thoughts.


I stay awake worrying and thinking of everyone dying and death. Then I think and worry about those at the edge of time... just living in a dark universe trying to survive. Then I go crazy. Lol.


I love videos like this that just make you think. There’s nothing concrete/scientific but it still exercises your mind


Now my mind is blown knowing there are people out there with no inner voice. That just seems wild.


i was always like "why am i me, like why specifically am i this body? why am i not someone else? whats the difference between everyone in every time period that makes me the body here and now and not another body 100 years ago?" i always had this idea growing up that humans are all ultimately the same being just split into seperate compartmentalized conciousness which is why im specifically this body in the here and now, im a fraction of a larger whole, specifically made to be here

then again ive had gender dysphoria since i was 7, so having these thoughts are understandable


Finding out my personality type helped me tremendously understanding myself better. I grew up not having any role model or anyone to help me figure out stuff basically.


im one of those people with Aphantasia. I can't picture images or 3d objects in my head. The worst part is being unable to see faces of friends or family without a picture


I've never heard of The Egg before, but I'm so glad I watched your video because I absolutely loved the story. Please, I'd love to see your recommendations on short stories.

I also found your idea on religion super interesting and it was something I never thought of. But tbh, from a behavioral science perspective, it makes sense.


13:50 I definitely have to agree with you on that, because the concept of consciousness is still unknown as well as how it occurs to the extent of sentience. I also would like to point out or at least say in my experience whenever you think about death or perhaps what comes after and what’ll happen to you. Your brain somewhat tries to autocorrect that thought to another random thought to “distract” you from giving it considerable thought. You also get this feeling that isn’t really fear but it’s pretty hard to describe.


Have you ever read into what a Tulpa is? It goes hand in hand with being a defence mechanism against isolation. Except it's intentional, and needs constant practice.


I've had conversations about this theory with friends but never heard this story until today. I'm sure I picked it up somewhere else along the way but it's cool to see that other people have thought about this same idea before.


The Egg might be my favorite videos on YouTube. Such a beautiful and profound story


Are you going to make a video on the James Webb Space Telescope?


I've always considered myself spiritual, but not a part of any particular mainstream religion. The number 1 thing I'm always considering is the idea that the individual I am is not necessarily the only me I could have been. If souls exist, then I am me because my soul inhabited this body. If random chance or a higher power had chosen differently, I could have been any person in any time period. So in a cosmic way, I kind of am everyone at every time period, or more precisely, because I could have been anyone I see no reason to treat others as outsiders. Random chance or the will of a deity, doesn't really matter. All people are people, and I could have been anyone. So I've decided to treat everyone with the kindness I myself would want to receive. This ends when I'm wronged or taken advantage of, but even still I try to be understanding of those around me, as if they are all alternate versions of myself.
