
Why Scientists Are Puzzled By This Virus

You Swallowed a Tapeworm – What Now? #kurzgesagt #shorts

We Need to Rethink Exercise (Updated Version)

We Traveled Back in Time. Now Physicists Are Angry.

How to Make a Kurzgesagt Video in 1200 Hours

Was passiert NACH einem Atomkrieg?

ONE Gene Determines How Many Fingers You Have #kurzgesagt #shorts

The Egg - A Short Story

Du bist der Mittelpunkt des Universums!

Fever Feels Horrible, but is Actually Awesome!

When This Number Hits 5200 - You Will be Dead

A.I. ‐ Humanity's Final Invention?

AI Can Literally Lend You a Hand #kurzgesagt #shorts

Earth as a Cube – What Would It Look Like? #shorts #kurzgesagt

How We Make Money on YouTube with 20M Subs

What Does the Moon Smell Like? #kurzgesagt #shorts

Do You Have a Free Will?

This Disease is Deadlier Than The Plague

Worst Nuclear Accidents in History


Why Is the Ocean Salty and Rivers Are Not? #shorts #kurzgesagt

Das Internet ist schlimmer als je zuvor - was nun?

What If Our Sun Disappeared? #kurzgesagt #shorts

How You Can Live Forever... Maybe. #shorts