RANT: Why 90% Of Personal Trainers Are A Waste Of Money
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Are Personal Trainers Worth It?
While there's no doubt that there are plenty of legit, knowledgeable personal trainers out there, the reality is that 90% or more of them are going to be a waste of time and money for the average beginner.
I get messages all the time with people asking me "should I hire a personal trainer?" or "is a personal trainer necessary?" and the answer in most cases is no.
Getting a typical personal training certification these days really doesn't require much more than a couple of basic weekend courses, and most PT's out there are just not very knowledgeable in the areas of training and nutrition and lack the experience needed to be truly effective at what they do.
Anyone can easily become a trainer regardless of their true knowledge or previous training experience, and although the uniform and name tag may look fancy, it really means next to nothing on its own.
I've been to an endless number of gyms over the past 15 years, and I see average run-of-the-mill personal trainers making the exact same mistakes over and over again.
They consistently prescribe ineffective training routines and nutritional advice to their clients, and they do it while charging very steep prices of $50-$75 per hour or more.
Their clients rarely make any noticeable progress from week to week, and if you take a good hard look, you'll even see that most personal trainers aren't even in very good shape themselves.
I know this all might sound a bit harsh, but it's the honest truth.
Again, there are certainly worthwhile trainers out there, but it's just that the bad ones hugely outweigh the good ones.
You can easily conduct your own research online for a couple of weeks and learn everything the average personal trainer knows and more just from that alone.
If you are considering hiring a trainer to get yourself on the right path, then at least make sure you do your research first by consulting the video above for a list of questions you should ask your trainer before starting.
A good trainer can certainly be a worthwhile investment for a newbie just starting out, but it will definitely take some time and effort to find the right person.
Science-based muscle building and fat loss system:
No B.S, premium quality supplements you can trust:
Video Summary:
Are Personal Trainers Worth It?
While there's no doubt that there are plenty of legit, knowledgeable personal trainers out there, the reality is that 90% or more of them are going to be a waste of time and money for the average beginner.
I get messages all the time with people asking me "should I hire a personal trainer?" or "is a personal trainer necessary?" and the answer in most cases is no.
Getting a typical personal training certification these days really doesn't require much more than a couple of basic weekend courses, and most PT's out there are just not very knowledgeable in the areas of training and nutrition and lack the experience needed to be truly effective at what they do.
Anyone can easily become a trainer regardless of their true knowledge or previous training experience, and although the uniform and name tag may look fancy, it really means next to nothing on its own.
I've been to an endless number of gyms over the past 15 years, and I see average run-of-the-mill personal trainers making the exact same mistakes over and over again.
They consistently prescribe ineffective training routines and nutritional advice to their clients, and they do it while charging very steep prices of $50-$75 per hour or more.
Their clients rarely make any noticeable progress from week to week, and if you take a good hard look, you'll even see that most personal trainers aren't even in very good shape themselves.
I know this all might sound a bit harsh, but it's the honest truth.
Again, there are certainly worthwhile trainers out there, but it's just that the bad ones hugely outweigh the good ones.
You can easily conduct your own research online for a couple of weeks and learn everything the average personal trainer knows and more just from that alone.
If you are considering hiring a trainer to get yourself on the right path, then at least make sure you do your research first by consulting the video above for a list of questions you should ask your trainer before starting.
A good trainer can certainly be a worthwhile investment for a newbie just starting out, but it will definitely take some time and effort to find the right person.