RANT: Why 90% Of Personal Trainers Are A Waste Of Money

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Are Personal Trainers Worth It?

While there's no doubt that there are plenty of legit, knowledgeable personal trainers out there, the reality is that 90% or more of them are going to be a waste of time and money for the average beginner.

I get messages all the time with people asking me "should I hire a personal trainer?" or "is a personal trainer necessary?" and the answer in most cases is no.

Getting a typical personal training certification these days really doesn't require much more than a couple of basic weekend courses, and most PT's out there are just not very knowledgeable in the areas of training and nutrition and lack the experience needed to be truly effective at what they do.

Anyone can easily become a trainer regardless of their true knowledge or previous training experience, and although the uniform and name tag may look fancy, it really means next to nothing on its own.

I've been to an endless number of gyms over the past 15 years, and I see average run-of-the-mill personal trainers making the exact same mistakes over and over again.

They consistently prescribe ineffective training routines and nutritional advice to their clients, and they do it while charging very steep prices of $50-$75 per hour or more.

Their clients rarely make any noticeable progress from week to week, and if you take a good hard look, you'll even see that most personal trainers aren't even in very good shape themselves.

I know this all might sound a bit harsh, but it's the honest truth.

Again, there are certainly worthwhile trainers out there, but it's just that the bad ones hugely outweigh the good ones.

You can easily conduct your own research online for a couple of weeks and learn everything the average personal trainer knows and more just from that alone.

If you are considering hiring a trainer to get yourself on the right path, then at least make sure you do your research first by consulting the video above for a list of questions you should ask your trainer before starting.

A good trainer can certainly be a worthwhile investment for a newbie just starting out, but it will definitely take some time and effort to find the right person.
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Most personal trainers need a personal trainer


Well said man, after training in 40 different countries and gyms around the world over the last 3 years I've seen 2-3 PTs that actually knew what they were doing :/ Looks like a combination of low barrier to entry with cheap easy certifications + desperate gyms. It's sad to say this but most people are better off learning and training themselves


I can't tell you how many times I see trainers at my gym not correcting improper form


I was told by "fitness experts" I wasn't eating enough when trying to burn fat.


the most legit personal trainers are strength and conditioning coaches


When I used to work at a gym I worked with a trainer to was in the ballpark of 300lbs, (although he had lost over 150lbs). Ill never forget him, one of the best trainers I had ever met. That's why if I ever went for a trainer I would go for someone who OVERCAME the problem I am trying to solve.


Honestly, if you are dedicated and serious about getting working out, the best trainer out there is yourself. Take some time to experiment to understand what works and what doesn't.


I must be blessed. When I got a PT at my gym she was almost half my age and didn't agree with me. She could have been my stubborn daughter. She didn't told me what I thought I needed but assessed my goals and my physical status and adapted to that. She pushed me and made me embrace different tools that I hadn't thought off. She kicked me in the right direction and made me not needing her in the end.


having a out of shape trainer is like having a homeless person has your financial adviser.


In my gym I was doing some Sumo Deadlift and the "personal trainer" approached me and said "He what are you doing" I said "Sumo Deadlift and he said "Oh you are doing it wrong" and he showed me how to do the Romanian Deadlift and I was like Hey I know thay but im doing a sumo not a romaninan deadlift and he didnt understand what I was telling lmao he hasnt talked to me again


One personal trainer I know started a 52 year old woman who never worked out in her life on 18 pound kettlebells. She ended up snapping something in her back. Most trainers don't understand the aging process. Not all of us are 20 year old men. He kept telling her it was a lack of motivation and she got hurt.


The vast majority of trainers suck and lack the most basic understanding of what they’re trying to teach. I’m studying to be a personal trainer but my goal is to be the best I can possibly be.


Unfortunately, as far as my experience, people prefer a "likeable" trainer over a "knowledgable" one.


One of the trainers at a gym told me that I needed to eat every 2-3 hours, even needed to wake up to eat. I declined his offer to be my trainer. Now, he doesn't speak to me.


Get a gym bro who has experience of 1-2 years. He's the BEST personal trainer you can ever ask for


At a gym I used to go to, a girl I went to school with trained with the same PT for 5 straight years, not only did she not drastically transform her body in those 5 years but she actually gained body fat.


I go to LA Fitness in Houston, and I always see people getting nowhere with these trainers wasting their time and money. I've noticed a similar pattern where they take people and do the same workouts and using the same machines, even though people from all ages and sizes are participating in their service. I feel that if you have the motivation to go to the gym and work hard towards your goals, you should be able to do some research and do well on your own.


When I first started working out in my local gym, I got a 'free personal advise and routine' to start things off. A skinny guy, maybe around 20 years old, gave me a full body routine, with one isolation exercise for each muscle, and around 20 minutes of cardio. I was on this routine for months, without any progress whatsoever, obviously. Finally I realized I was wasting my time and started doing my own research. 2 years, about 20 lbs of muscle and pretty much all of Sean's videos later, I finally made the progress I so desperately needed. If only a competent personal trainer helped me kick things off, my size right now would be significantly better.


I used to say that all my certification did was give me credibility. I didn't learn much new about actual training through obtaining the certification.
