How Are Memories Created & Stored? Brain Anatomy Explained

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The brain is the seat of memory. How does the brain make and store these memories? Let’s understand in this video.

Time Stamps-
00:00 Central Processing Unit of the Body
01:17 Structure of the brain/anatomy of brain
03:07 Memory Storage in the brain & Types of Memories
05:41 Memory Re-activation
07:32 Mindscape & Platonic World Of Mathematics

How Are Memories Created & Stored? Brain Anatomy | The World Of Science

Productions: World Of Science Media

©2021, World Of Science (WOS) Media. All Rights Reserved.
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What I want to know is how a memory is held for years or decades without any reinforcement that I'm aware of. For example, I was just thinking about the interior of a childhood friend's house. I the last time I was in that house was over 30 years ago, and I am not aware of even thinking of it for at least 20 years. And yet I can mentally walk through that house and see, there is the stove, a Victrola phonograph, an upright piano, a display case of Civil War artifacts, etc. Thousand of details of that house have just sat there in my brain somehow. It is possible, I suppose, that those connections have reinforced themselves subconsciously every so often for all these years. I wish I knew how it all worked.


Amazing. That being said, someone or something that made memories with you weren't just memories, memories that lasts a lifetime changed your physical brain permanently.


Yep, absolutely true. A set a neurons across different regions of brains that store different aspects of a particular memory activate as well as communicate with each other in a specific pattern to recall a memory. The process in which new connections are formed by pre existing neurons to enhance Memories is called as neural plasticity or neuroplasticity.


Thank You so much "The World Of Science" for putting these videos together for all of us! I Love your channel and appreciate all that it takes to make and polish Clips like this one here. I have a question that I'd like to pose to you, if you don't mind. Reason for Question: I have been diagnosed with "Frontotemporal Dementia" and this question will be regarding my, now no longer existent Short term memory.

All of my life I was always quite good at solving problems of most any kind... alas, no longer. Yet, in my attempt to come up with a solution for my memory deficits, I was wondering if Science / Medicine / etc. is far enough along, in our understanding of the Human Brain, to know if our Conscious and Subconscious Memories are Stored in the same physical space in the brain or are they stored, physically, in different ares of the brain? I ask this because, in a last ditch effort to solve my memory issues, I was wondering if it might be possible, say through Hypnosis, to perhaps train my brain to use the physical space in my Brain to utilize the physical area of my brain that is used to hold my "Subconscious Memory" to use this space to store my "Conscious Memory? I was hoping that this part of my Brain might currently be "Undamaged / Unaffected?" I just don't know if we, Humanity is far enough along yet to have this knowledge of where Physically in the Brain, we store memories yet?

I hope that I made sense here? Thank you for any assistance that you might be able to provide me. Thank you again...


The human mind, our bodies, planet earth, all life on earth and the universe are just mind blowing when you really think about it. The more i think about it the more i think it makes more sense for their to be a god then not.


I remember you from 2 years back when you use simple pages to present data, , but Now days you get what you deserve .
The quality just incredibly nostalgic .
Keep doing Brother ❤️


Pls mention whether mind stored info can be decoded


I liked this video, but I still don't have a clue how memories are stored in the brain on the really physical level.


Brain learning and understanding itself.


Im interested in the pantry ( facts and details), where all info ( ingredients ) are stored .
If a coffee was the conclusion, then I will have to get/ retrieve the ingredients from the pantry, itself being one part of the brain . Then I would need to put on the kettle, another part, grab a mug from the cupboard ( another part ) and a teaspoon, sugar, milk and finally the doing of pouring and then stirring to complete the coffee, in this neuro case, a thought brought to a conclusion. The question is, how is knowledge stored ? Is it a unique chemical permutation located in one part of the brain for retrieval with many from other parts and together come to a pre-determined conclusion ? And if so, then what, during that process, confirms that it is the correct sequence resulting in the correct and wanted conclusion ?


I still don't understand how memory is stored. Where it's stored OK. What paths it takes to assemble multiple the thought process, OK. But, how is it stored? Do smells or sounds (e.g. music) have a biochemical molecule different from a stored color or touch stimulus?


Great work
Really thank you for sharing such complex information
GOD bless you


What about S. P. Infusion of norepinephrine and it's carbon rings !
What is the combination behind it and carbon rings of serotonin ?
Every chemical compound has it's endemic rethum or wave generated according to varying ionization energy when excited, and so it's a matter of short circuit .
Mind is,
How we react to signals from environment and it's the medium We recoganiz them.
So if environment is infused with the unsuitable , then
our surroundings would also be confused ?
( pineal gland is the seat of soal)


Please tell in which form of memory stores in brain is in synaps form


Very educative video. It has really enlightened my understanding. Great job!


Is adaptive immunity have any link with these brain memory.


Hi, Siddharth,
In this video (Time 5:11), you shared, “Hippocampus stores the long-term memory by changing the neural wiring, that is making new connections between neurons & synapses.” To say wiring implies a physical connection.
1. Do neurons with their axon ever physically touch the dendrite of the next neuron in a physical connection? If there is no interaction between the axon and the dendrite, might the axon move to a site with more activity?
2. Synaptic pruning is thought to be the brain’s way of removing connections in the brain that are no longer active or needed. If the memory is inactive for decades, will the synapses not be pruned away?
You stated, “Different parts of the brain store different kinds of memories.” (Time 5:45). So, aspects of the memory are stored throughout the brain, and the location of the different aspects depends on the type of information, i.e., visual, auditory, etc.
1. How can one aspect of a memory be located? Is it in a pattern of neurons or some other device? How is the particular aspect stored?
2. When recalling a memory, what mechanism signals each aspect of the memory to come back together into one holistic memory so it can be rendered?
At time 5:48, you said, “These different regions [of the brain] interplay with each other and present a consolidated memory.
1. How do the different regions of the brain interplay with each other to reconsolidate the memory? How do they communicate with each other? Electric, electromagnetic, or something else.
I have reviewed other talks on Memory Consolidation, or memories stored in the synapses. They seemed to be a lot like your video. I have not been able to find answers to my concerns. Usually, others have mentioned a “Memory Trace” as a mechanism for retrieving the different aspects of the memory thought to be in the hippocampus or pineal gland. This, of course, is an assumption.
As I envision the model of memories, memories cannot be found in the brain, nor can any aspects of memories be found in the brain. We can find neurons, axons, dendrites, and clusters of neurons, but we can’t find a memory.
Some have also theorized that neurons cluster into patterns that hold the memory information. However, neuron clusters do not stay together and wander away from each other, and in many cases, they are pruned out by the brain’s normal functions.
Brain cells do not reproduce like normal cells reproduce by division. Brain cells do not have the information of the older cells they are replacing.
There appear to be too many assumptions that will not pass Occam’s razor. It looks like a theory and not a functional process. It sounds very scientific but seems to have feet of clay.


very good infomatic video🤩. keep it up 👍


Excellent video Greatly appreciate your efforts It is not easy to make this Thank you. You are a difference maker Best wishes


Memory is related to brain which is matter and consciousness is the result of soul which is not matter, hence in other words when any one dies the memory still retain in the brain because the brain is still there while the consciousness remain no more because now soul is not there.
