Season 18 Heartland Episode 3 Ending

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I captured this to show there is NO Tye this year, And the story line is continuing from last year. And that as they say they almost bought the farm from no water. Tim had a scare but is ok.
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I love Heartland so very much, all the cast members and I want to get Season 18. Loved them all ❤❤🥰


Amy deserves to be happy ❤ I hate tye for leaving it's no fair he left them behind but the fact is she needs to move on whoever it is, but the fact she was able to open her heart and feel love again is all that matters. I was stunned I never thought I'd ever hear the words I love you come out of Amy's mouth again, I was wrong 😊 gotta give it a chance!!?


Ok, Season 18 isn't yet available in Nebraska, but I've watched every other episode of Heartland multiple times. (Only because of the chemistry between Graham and Amber as Ty and Amy). That match is perfect and even with Ty gone the Amy/Ty connection that first gave Heartland its charm lingers on in the minds of Heartland fans. Look, Spencer Lord doesn't even look comfortable in the role of Nathan and it's just labored and weird looking. Forget Nathan-he's not good enough for Amy. Caleb? No way- that would seem like going backward. Can't wait to see Season 18!


Boa noite abençoada poderia ter legendas para entender o que estão falando


Like to see Nathan and Amy get together ❤️


Cuándo se estrena la temporada 18 en Argentina no aguanto más de esperar que se estrene
