The Best Expired Domains - The Top Three Expired Domains

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The Best Expired Domains - The Top Three Expired Domains
Expired and Aged Domains are a treasure trove if you manage to nab them on time. Not only do they create some fantastic link-building opportunities, but it's also really fun to say that "I own the Craig David website." The best expired domains that I've found are ones where someone's marketing team clearly dropped the ball because they do still have a lot of power. So this is a good reminder to keep on top of your own domains and to keep an eye out for dropped domains; there are some really good ones out there.

This video shows three of my favourite expired domains that I've managed to get a hold of. All of them were once owned by famous people, so it really does go to show that you can manage to get hold of some great domains if you know the right places to look.

Intro: (0:00)
The Best Expired Domain Names: (0:16)
Nigel Farage MEP Website: (0:35)
Craig David Website (1:20)
The Killers Website (2:10)

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What an eye opener mate, I personally purchase expired domains but I used to avoid anything with politics or personal branding and now I feel stupid. Thanks a lot Craig and as I said, I have a database of expired domains so do let me know if you're interested in them.


What an eye opener mate, I personally purchase expired domains but I used to avoid anything with politics or personal branding and now I feel stupid. Thanks a lot Craig.


Amazing video with full of information and explain so clearly to understand.thanks for sharing.


Very interesting and informative video.. thanks a lot.


These domains really have top class links but can you give some insight on how to find such domain


Very interesting and informative video..thsnks a lot.


I bid on Keith Chegwins domain a few weeks ago at auction lol.


Create a catch all email account for domains, you'll probably get a ton of emails.


I seen Blogspot, in expired and i never clicked that it was related to the blogspot, com sites 😭
I seen it from an Indian food blog and added it to a list of maybe buy laters.
Week later seen the news articles that Google loses site.
It could have been mine 😔


1. How do you redirect power to another domain?

2. Why would you redirect power from say the killers domain when all the PR is ‘relevant’ to the killers and not the new domain you are pointing the power too?
