THE DOWNFALL OF THE JACLYN HILL EMPIRE!* scams, lies, bankruptcy*

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Hello Angels,
In today's video, we are talking about the downfall of the Jaclyn hill empire ! Thank you all so much for watching and don't forget to subscribe.


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the lipstick scandal was INCREDIBLE. watching those videos & the situation unfold in real time was peak entertainment.


I think you nailed it when you said she is lazy. She is very lazy. She does not have a creative bone in her body. She rips off other people’s ideas as her own and doesn’t think anyone will notice and then when she gets called out she cries that everyone is “mean” to her. She has been given a lot in her career and is very ungrateful. Until the people who stan her stop buying her stuff and it hits her pocketbook she is not going to change at all.


I've never liked JH but I've never understood why her fans gave her their money over and over and over and over.


Jaclyn: * gets caught lieing *
Jaclyn: * im sorry, let me tell U the truth *
Jaclyn: * Lies again *


For anyone wondering Kalyn rebranded Koze to “our Sunday spot” and it’s so cute!


She's unethical in every Business she gets involved.


Jaclyn apparently copied a jewellery piece directly from a piece and designer that she worn for years


I used to really love Jaclyn's content and didn't want to believe that she was as manipulative and unethical as everyone was saying, but now it's literally gotten so impossible to not see and it's just really unfortunate


As someone who owns my own company (employees - me lol), the fact that Jaclyn claimed she "couldn't find any company using that name" when she searched is...complete BS. I chose something specifically original for my company name, and when I search for it? Everything that comes up is me. :D That Jaclyn made a video with a ribbon saying Koze with (TM) next to it - she posted that with what I think is showing intention of filing. For her jewelry, she actually just got called out very recently for doing a bad knock off of a necklace that is very popular with makeup/beauty content creators, including Jaclyn herself (I forget the name of the woman who designed and owns the brand).


That’s the thing with Jaclyn. Most of her scandals wouldn’t be a big deal if she just didn’t lie about it. But I think it’s obvious by now that she’s incapable of telling the truth if it means possibly losing some sales.

Edit: Except the koze thing… that’s just outright mean


i just started but does anyone else remember her jewelry launch a few years back? she allegedly ripped many pieces from another brand.


What’s interesting about her not admitting she didn’t own her company is that she ended up in a catch 22: if she told people she didn’t own the company it could drive away customers who were there specifically for her, but it also could have saved her some grief for the choices this company made


I remember Kristi doing that video. She’s always been kind, and also reviewed the highlighters as well.


Here for the Tea 😢 I remember when her and Tea Spill were making a series on Jaclyn and it never went past the first episode. Apparently she reached out and got it stopped.


Jaclyn blocked me on Twitter, after I made a simple comment with my opinion. I stated that I believed the lipsticks were having so many issues because they were old. She had talked about having a ton of lipsticks produced and said they sat in a warehouse and she kept pushing back the launch date. Then said she ended up having them all reproduced for the launch we all saw. I don’t believe that. I don’t believe she trashed hundreds of thousands of lipsticks and had them all remade, throwing all that money in the trash.

I guess I struck a nerve. Her blocking me, confirmed my suspicions about the lipsticks being old. Not to mention, all the issues they had…screamed they were old and expired. In my opinion.


In Canada if you are incorporated, your business name is trademarked within Canada. Kailyn is Canadian so I assume she didn't trademark it in the US because she is located in Canada.


i’ll never forget how upset I was that the vault palettes quality was sooo bad because the concept really was such a good idea


i've been watching another youtuber who does makeup cover the whole forma bankruptcy suit and the funniest thing ever was when it was revealed JH doesn't even own her brand, as much as she continues to claim it's a "family owned business" and that she's in charge of everything. she's a collaborator and makes 15% royalties (under the old contract) and just recently the new owners REJECTED that contract, so going forward they'll probably restructure it so she makes even less.


1. Getting a trade mark in Canada is not as easy as the USA. 2. Trade marks don't really help you that much. I work in class action and we see lawsuits of people breaking trade marks ALL THE TIME and if the person who filed the trade mark is a smaller company the bigger company will just keep filing extensions and appeals until the smaller company can't afford to keep fighting and has to withdraw.
