What are light chains, how are light chains reported, and why?

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My Lt Chains were normal and my ratio was high but this video was extremely helpful. Thank you!


This is an excellent explanation about "Light Chains", the only thing I'd like to see is an explanation on why doctors prolong diagnosing Multiply Myeloma when they know the short and, long term complications that arise. This includes organ failure, diabetes due to primary cause, bone pain, fractures ect., If a patient has symptoms of the disease and, impaired red blood cells and other labs that show or point to the disease. I see some PCP's have this information in thier hands refusing to send someone to a hemotologist because they think it's OK to prolong the diagnosis. I hate to say it but, I'm one of these patients: my hypercalcemia is still not under control, my red blood cells are impaired, I have constant bone pain- mostly in my spine, I have severe bone fragments missing in my spine, I'm under weight with kidney problems, my blood pressure goes up and down like a yo-yo, my Dexa-Scan show bone loss in these area and in my hips, I had to have half of my thyroid surgically removed. I'm 62 years old male with a severe deviation of my test levels, the doctors are giving me Alohendrate 70mg per week for bone loss. My endocrinologist says my PTH is normal, sometimes my T-3 is too low as he kept me on the same dosage of Synthroid 75mcg for over 3 years. Is there an answer for my problem? I'd like to get my health on track since I'm very active, I lift weights 3 times a week, and split my cardio 2 to 3 times a week? Help, please?


This answers exactly my question, my Lambda was abnormal now on treatment seems to be in range even a bit lower than range, my ratio has gone up, thats what i was worried about. Very useful and informative video. Thank you.


I have mgus w kappa lambda ratio rising. But m spike is lower. What does that mean?


Kappa light chains at time of MM diagnosis was 264. kappa/lambda ratio was 54.10.


The reason the ratio is all over the place for when, for example kappa is 200 mg/L and lambda is 3 mg/L is from freelite’s defect of the gap effect causing wildly inaccurate results for the uninvolved light chain. Values below 6 for lambda and 3 for kappa should just be reported <6 or <3 to avoid confusion


After diagnosis of plasmacytoma still my kappa lambda ratio is 24.25


Hi.what it means 1 in 100 dilution value for serum free light chain lambda(greater than 165mg/l)


Thank you for this. I have a question. My kappa is 12.81 mg/dL, lambda is 3.58 mg/dL & ratio is 3.58. Should I be concerned with these numbers?


My kappa free light chain is 104.94 . My lambda free light chain is 12.31 . My ratio is 8.525. Can anyone advise me what it means please.thankyou in advance please


My kappa is 22.43 mg/L and Lamda 1.66
its the weekend and i got to wait for doctor to call 😓
What's a lot of kappa? 100? im only 3 points over 😥


If kappa in your serum 20 and lambda normal and normal kappa and lambda ratio


My kappa is 3000 and lambda is normal and ratio is


Can kappa light chains and kappa/lambda ratio increase in chronic inflammatory conditions and/or infection ?
