Dessner: Violinkonzert ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester ∙ Pekka Kuusisto ∙ Ariane Matiakh

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Bryce Dessner:
Violinkonzert ∙

Auftragswerk des Hessischen Rundfunks, des San Francisco Symphony,
des Orchestre de Paris, des Philharmonia Orchestra und des Southbank Centre London ∙

Uraufführung ∙

I 00:00 ∙
II 17:51 ∙
III 23:24 ∙

hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfurt Radio Symphony ∙
Pekka Kuusisto, Violine ∙
Ariane Matiakh, Dirigentin ∙

hr-Sinfoniekonzert ∙
Alte Oper Frankfurt, 1. Oktober 2021 ∙


© 2021
Hessischer Rundfunk (hr)
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Saw this at Chicago Symphony Orchestra just now and immediately came back to find it and listen again. Screw the naysayers this is an excellent piece. Fell in love with Pekka instantly.


This piece is so wonderful. Dessner continues to write incredibly compelling music. He's a real heavy, as they say. One great piece after the other. And Pekka Kuusito totally nails this. Amazing performance again by him. I heard him play the Nico Muhly concerto Shrink last year, and he was so good with that piece too. The negative comments here are idiotic. First, you can't judge a piece on one or even a few listenings. I've listened to this dozens of times. Give it a chance and you'll hear Dessner's genius. Second, if you don't like a piece, don't make a comment! If you can't say something nice ...


It's good to see a healthy, wide-ranging, animated, and yet civil exchange here on a piece of music.
We each hold a huge number of classical works close to our hearts. The difference we hear in some modern works may seem almost like an assault. But we remember that some of what we now regard as classical masterworks were, when new, laughed at, or ridiculed, or even banned when first performed. De gustibus!


You listened to this piece and didn’t like it, fine. But your response should not be to stop listening to modern classical music. There are amazing works being made that are amazing and compelling, and there is music that you will enjoy. You are restricting yourself far too much by only listening to the legends, not to mention discouraging a generation of composers who would otherwise be interested in continuing the tradition of great orchestra music.


Dieses Stück ist fantastisch. Ich habe es gestern mit dem DSO und Pekka Kuustio in der Philharmonie gesehen und gehört. Sensationell! Und Pekka Kuustio ist ein Genie!


i wish that the people on YouTube could have a copy of the programme notes. you'd find that this is based on the sea, and on a journey to/with the sea. the polyphonic churning and constant rhythm is not compositional incompetence, all though it could have more variation, it's a representation of the fluidity of water, air, nature, and music.


Astonishing performance of a piece I would've said wasn't my jam... may still not be, but I stand in awe of the musicianship of the orchestra and especially Pekka Kuusito. Bravo, bravissimi!


This is absolutely beautiful. I heard this concerto on the radio this evening and I just had to listen to it again. What a masterpiece.


Yet another of so many treasures of fascinating music performances coming from Frankfurt! This I write from Boston, which has its own good band under a ubiquitous and, alas, ever more ponderous and micromanaging Music Director making things still sound (too) beautiful (to be true), yet no longer with that single one all-important sparkle which springs everything into life and keeps listeners on the edges of their seats.


This is just stunning. A great, great work.


Pecca spielt wieder einmal unfassbar gut!


Not my usual choice but what a performance by the violinist


Wunderbar aus Frankreich, Kompliment an alle


Reminds me of something John C. Adams might have done, if Adams had remained true to Minimalism. Like Adams, it's strong on rhythm, orchestral color, and texture, not so strong on melody or distinctive harmonic moments. Maybe not an outstanding work, but it's decent music.


I suspect this piece claimed a number of bows. Fantastic work, thank you!!


Sehr schönes Werk! Auch sehr wohltuhend als Ausgleich zu diesen schön-eingängigen Werke der früheren Klassik.


I'm so grateful for watching this
Wowww wowwww😭


Wunderschöne und spannende Uraufführung dieses perfekt komponierten Konzerts mit seidigem doch gut phrasiertem Ton der technisch perfekten Solovioline sowie gut vereinigten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen der anderen Instrumente. Die Kadenz klingt echt schön und absolut technisch perfekt. Die intelligente und geniale Dirigentin leitet das hoch funktionelle Orchester im veränderlichen Tempo und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Wunderbar und atemberaubend zugleich!


Somehow it reminds me of the song, death of the balance by Symphony X. Wonderful piece it is!! So numb and so impressed I cant get out of my car,


I find these comments really interesting, because I don't agree with them at all! :P Usually, modern compositions seem to get a bit more favour in the comment sections (looking at you, Ginastera Violinkonzert), because they're new and different, and now I'm not sure if I'm missing something with this one or if YouTube has gotten more judgmental.
At first listen, this sounds comparable to a lot of contemporary classical I know — unlikeable at first, but it grows on you. I didn't love this one at first, but I'm pretty sure I'll like it more if I keep listening. Am I missing something terrible about this…? :P Is all the hate just because of the modernism (which is just genre preference), or because this piece is genuinely bad in context?
