Breaking Bad Season 4: Episode 10: Gus takes revenge (HD CLIP)

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What’s happening in this Breaking Bad clip?
As Eladio (Steven Bauer) and his capos party, Gus goes to the bathroom and induces himself to vomit – the tequila was poisoned, and everyone who drank it collapses. Gus, who is affected despite taking activated charcoal and vomiting, tells the surviving henchmen that Eladio and his men are dead and they therefore no longer have a reason to fight, suggesting they leave with whatever riches they can carry.

What’s the TV show Breaking Bad about?
Walter White (Bryan Cranston from Godzilla and Total Recall), a chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with lung cancer. He decides to make and sell methamphetamine to repay his medical debts and secure his family’s future.

Season 4 of Breaking Bad:
Gus (Giancarlo Esposito from The Mandalorian and Maze Runner) tightens security at the lab after Gale's (David Costabile) death. Gus and Mike (Jonathan Banks) work to drive a wedge between Walter and Jesse (Aaron Paul), seeking to coerce Jesse to be their solitary cook by capturing Walter while at the same time eliminating the Mexican cartel. Skyler (Anna Gunn) accepts Walter's meth cooking, and works with Saul (Bob Odenkirk from Better Call Saul and Nobody) to launder his earnings. Hank (Dean Norris), while recovering, tracks Gale's death to Gus and the drug trade. Gus releases Walter and plans to kill Hank. Walter tricks Jesse into turning against Gus, and convinces Hector Salamanca (Mark Margolis) to detonate a pipe bomb in the same room as Gus, killing them both.

Credits: © 2019 Sony Pictures Television Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Nothing beats the over the shoulder camera shots in breaking bad. But this one in particular of Gus walking back into the party is my favorite. He left the party quietly and submissively, being escorted by another cartel member. But then he comes back, standing tall, watching the final step of his plan unfold. This was just a fantastic episode


This is the exact moment Don Eladio became a Nirvana cover.


I like how the final boss has the most hp.


1:57 the “make yourself useful, find a gun” line makes this feel exactly like its the end of a cutscene in a videogame😭😭😭


Don Eladio dying at his own pool party in front of Gus symbolizes Don Eladio being dead


I love how Gus was smart enough to know if you are going to drink always have a designated driver.


Eladio: "SOME hate is okay..."

And here, Gus FINALLY lets Eladio see ALL the hate.


0:49 I love how people are falling like flies and dying all around Jesse but Mike garroting a guy is what gets him all startled


The angry look in eladio's eyes shows he not only knew he was poisoned by gus but he knew exactly WHY


Respect to Steven Bauer for being able to flop into a pool without ever blinking


This is the exact moment Jesse became Useful


Don Eladio’s cigar is such a great actor, falling on the ground like that is truly spectacular work. I wish they showed it in more episodes.


This is the exact moment don eladio became a fish


One of the things that made Gus such a terrifying villian was his ice cold calm demeanour. He's swallowed the same poison as everyone but as he calmly goes to throw it up in the toilet - he folds his jacket first. Genius


gus truly was a raging sociopath. he lived an unthinkable double life, was scarily two faced, could make up an impeccable story to the DEA onsite, and was willing to poison himself just to see his enemies die. this guy was insane


How this man (Giancarlo Esposito) has never won an Emmy or an Oscar is downright criminal


I love how Gus' insatiable thirst for revenge grants him his life's greatest moment (this scene) and his undoing (the nursing home). Talk about a double edged sword


I love how the plot armor keeps the main bad guy alive a little longer by endowing him with +20% poison resistance just so he can find out who killed him and have a more dramatic death.


I learned that everything bad in this show happens at a pool


Seeing Gus accomplish this makes it all the more amazing he got taken down by a man who has no motor skills
