Henry Ford's Model T: How a Car Changed a Nation

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The Ford Model T is an automobile that was produced by the Ford Motor Company from October 1, 1908, to May 26, 1927. It is generally regarded as the first mass-affordable automobile, which made car travel available to middle-class Americans. The relatively low price was partly the result of Ford's efficient fabrication, including assembly line production instead of individual handcrafting.
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The Model T and Henry Ford didn't just change a nation. Others were building autos and not causing much more than a spark. Henry comes along with the Model T and the production line and made a car people could afford. Believe me. I love horses, but they do come with serious problems. People wanted to do away with the horse-shi, , , problems. My father got his first car at fourteen, He always said it was because he was tired of horsing around.
