Henry Ford Biography - The Model T Ford (Documentary) First Ford

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The Model T Ford - This was the original car that Ford manufactured using the assembly line process. It was revolutionary in many ways but primarily in its cost. It was very cheap compared to competitive cars and it was easy to drive and to repair. These features made it perfect for the middle class American. Over 15 million Model T cars were made and by 1918 over 50% of the cars in America were Model Ts.

The Assembly Line - It is often stated that Henry Ford invented the assembly line. This is where a large number of products are made one step at a time as they pass down a line. Using an assembly line allows for the mass production of products at a cheaper price than trying to build an entire product one at a time. What Henry Ford did was apply this concept to the automobile and perfect it for the mass production of cars at a much lower price than current production methods. Ford's work in streamlining the assembly line for cars was an example of just how powerful an assembly line could be in mass producing products.
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he had 120+ patents by 1943....he definetly invented a LOT and did a LOT of the engineering up till the 1932 Model 18/B


Kind of pointless to upload a video if the sound cuts in and out!!!! Thanks for wasting my
