How long does hernia mesh last ?How long does it take for mesh to heal? - Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh
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Whenever mesh is placed in laparoscopic surgery, it is a dual mesh. It has got one wall which is very rough, there is another wall which is very smooth and this mesh is like a mosquito net like thing. So in between these threads that are used, in the mesh the tissue of our own body develops as a fibrous tissue. So this complete healing or this whole mesh getting converted into a mesh of a fibrous tissue may take 6 months, it has its own process. But for the body to adapt to it completely without pain, without irritability, may take just 10 to 15 days. By 15 days, the patient may start feeling very comfortable with the mesh sitting in their body. First of all the mesh doesn’t react much to the body, that is how the mesh is made and that is how we select the mesh also to put it in the place whenever it has to be put.
World's Largest Video Heath Platform is now in Hindi
Whenever mesh is placed in laparoscopic surgery, it is a dual mesh. It has got one wall which is very rough, there is another wall which is very smooth and this mesh is like a mosquito net like thing. So in between these threads that are used, in the mesh the tissue of our own body develops as a fibrous tissue. So this complete healing or this whole mesh getting converted into a mesh of a fibrous tissue may take 6 months, it has its own process. But for the body to adapt to it completely without pain, without irritability, may take just 10 to 15 days. By 15 days, the patient may start feeling very comfortable with the mesh sitting in their body. First of all the mesh doesn’t react much to the body, that is how the mesh is made and that is how we select the mesh also to put it in the place whenever it has to be put.