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Surprisingly, most of them appeared to be true!

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I've always been the one in the relationship to cook because I just love it as a hobby and I've always happened to be with girlfriends who find it boring or tedious. Works fine for me.


I like babushkas. It reminds me of my childhood at courtry side where and when older women wore hearscarves. Finnish "babushkas" are ceased generation.


I just imagine women in Siberia with their high heels and hair against a Siberian winter blizzard

Question: How do Russians feel about their infrastructure? It seems old and run down atleast compared to Europe. Is it? Do Russians even notice a difference when traveling to Europe?


Quite familiar stereotypes these ones :) Some people may think some stereotypes offensive but what I think is that stereotypes, be positive or negative, is always a good ice-breaker into conversation with foreigners you meet. Subsequent conversation opens up your mind for new information about their cultural background. In the end you both can laugh at the silliness of some of those stereotypes x)
Alas, there are always some more sinister stereotypes around; some Russian ones popped straight into my head while reading the video title :/ Most of them are exclusively about Russian men, such as homophobia, low IQ, boastfulness, aggressiveness, ugliness and lack of respect towards everything not-Russian. But even these kind of stereotypes can strike a good discussion, albeit a bit more serious one.


I noticed that you wear a watch on your right hand, is there a particular reason?


Понравился пример про "сесть на дорожку")) как раз на днях обсуждали с моими американцами суеверия, и этот пример не пришёл мне в голову. Что касается бабы с пустым ведром, боюсь, наши западные друзья не поймут, о чём речь) если чёрный кот и лестница это что-то интернациональное, то бабы с пустыми вёдрами на западе, насколько я знаю, не предвещают ничего зловещего))) p.s. спасибо, что сказала про ударение в слове бабушка, я уже устала всех исправлять)))


Giving thumb up if I knew the stereotype.
1 Gender roles alive and well 👍. In Finland, saying "it's nice to be treated like a princess" would either slay people in laughter or make them stare you in disbelief. Thinking it's totally fine men and women have different roles in household works is not a popular opinion, either. Big culture difference!
2 A lot of corruption in Russia 👍.
3 Russians are superstitious 👎. But we think Russians are religious. Superstitions may also be just a funny tradition, that you enjoy to keep alive and mention, without really believeing into it at all. That sitting down is actually smart, never heard of it. People have probably remembered their keys many times!
4 Dangerous grandmas 👎! I thought that babushkas live in the countryside, look after grandchildren and bring homegrown food to their children's households. I've sometimes wondered, where the angry mature women come, when they are so sweet younger.
5 Russian women are beautiful 👍. Oh heck, watching this video would be very difficult to disagree! North-Western Russians are so close to Fennoscandian people though, and many times exotic are seen beautiful too: East-Asians, Latinas, Central-Europeans. So, I think this is a stereotypia, but opinions are quite divided there. And also the dressing up thing, that's a stereotype we connect to Russia too, definately (also influenced on the yes I know thumb up).
Oh, so big cities are becoming more relaxed with dressing? International influence, European, American? In Central and Southern Europe I think that women also dress up. While here in Finland dressing is very relaxed.
6 Russians and vodka 👍. That stereotype sits tight too. Like you said, they are sometimes true, not always.
Stereotypias make so popular videos, people hate and disagree so strongly with some. And often rightly so. It was nice to hear your takes!


as a finnish person who have dated a russian girl i can say they are the most warm hearted and hospitable folk. at the same time they elect persons to power, who are harassing neighboring countries and they are proud of it. we have this saying "kolikolla on kaksi puolta", a coin has two sides


Many good things in Russia (like #1) depend on the fact that cultural marxism (think political correctness) that has been attacking the western world for decades is not as present in Russia.
