Course: Introduction Offshore Safety (trailer)

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We all know that safety is important, but do we act accordingly? This training will not only hand you the tools to assess safety from three main viewpoints, but will also train you in performing and executing the subsequent actions correctly. These behavioural aspects apply to an extensive offshore job but also reflect your daily routine. To accomplish this learning goal, lectures on general safety aspects and different safety theories will be accompanied by hands-on cases. In these cases, familiar situations and objects will be used to effectively put the gained theoretical knowledge into practice.

Introduction Offshore Safety is a one-day course aimed at the offshore industry, but with a broadly applicable content regarding safety at work.

The goal of the course is to become aware of the importance of safety in offshore, to be able to apply practical safety measures at different levels and viewpoints and most importantly, to make safety awareness a natural part of your behaviour. This is done by learning to use different safety theories, understanding the influence of human behaviour and by continuously triggering your attentiveness.
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