Why and How To Use ImGui For Your Coding Projects | Tutorial & Case Study

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ImGui continues to stand the test of time as one of the best graphical interfaces to use in any ongoing project. Not many examples or explanations will tell you why that is. In this episode we explore why that is the case and make a sample setup project.

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-- Chapters --
0:00 Intro
0:45 Is ImGui for you?
3:53 Other Good Starting Points
8:25 Sample C++ CMake Project From Scratch
42:00 Conclusion & Outro

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Thank you so much for this tutorial! Had so much trouble getting imgui setup, especially with the dependencies and various SDKs to download, but this tutorial makes it so much easy, thanks a lot!


Thank you, this really helped me get going and have a nice foundation for my project.


After following your CMake and rendering tutorials, this is easy for me to understand. It is also helping me to understand cpp better and where the opportunities are for extending functionality or even trying examples for the fun of it 🙃


Thanks for the tutorial. Helped me a lot!


Can't thank you enough for this! 😀 It would be great if you can make a video about how to use Cmake in Visual Studio for people who have no programming experience and just downloaded visual studio on windows. Also, please cover things like including multiple projects(dependencies) in the visual studio and using it seamlessly.


I definitely had some problems to solve, but I managed to overcome them and get it running! Thank you for spending the time to help out.


Love it ...think I can learn a lot from you...


Really love your setup . it's easy to follow .


Thanks so much!

You added the following lines without explaining:
glClearColor(0.45f, 0.55f, 0.60f, 1.00f);

Without them, frames were stuck on the window while resizing


12:20 The popup was not appearing even with vcpkg installed and new project created. I really wish to go on with this tutorial but I cannot generate the needed files somehow.. How could it come that the dependencies in the vcpkg.json File are not downloaded?


Wow the vcpkg part is a life saver, the official imgui does not say much about the project setup.


My quick and dirty touchstone for determining if a GUI framework is up to snuff is checking if it does image buttons. If a framework can't either use an image as a button or allow buttons to have a transparent background, so it can be placed over an image (the former being the preferred but the later be a minimal hack work around), either tells you the framework has gone beyond the basics. IMO


so if im understanding correctly, right - imgui will render over any existing stuff ?


Please consider doing a video on Nuklear, it's similar to Dear-imgui but has a different style out-of-the-box.


it runs 17 fps, that pretty bad, how do i improve the FPS ?
if you have a problem with the vcpkg folder not generating, try deleting the CMakeSetting.json, same the CMakeLists.txt, and configure again. that did the trick for me

also, thank you so much for your tutorials, i've been following along since i found you a week ago, and you have some really helpful c++ tutorials!


what is the background music name? great video.


why for me after i add vcpkg.json and populate the file with the required dependencies i dont see running vcpkg install in my output tab, thus there is no vcpkg install dir in the out >build>x64-debug folder and my intellisence wasent working and i dont see the output errors you see in 12:30 ? Do you have anything done with your cmake vcpkg settings ? it seems like for me it is not detecting the vcpkg.json file and running the install automatically.


CMake says that the glad package could not be found. What exactly does this mean, and how can I fix it?


turns out you cant use capital letters in the "name" line in vcpkg json file


where is video where he shows how to do binding in conan ?
