John MacArthur - Everyone rebels against God

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- God alone knows the Absolute Truth and is our ultimate judge.
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Sin is a cancerous disease that can only be cured by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ…♥️♥️♥️


God saith that sin is rebellion; it is rebellion against our Lord. God gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. The Lord told us that we must be born again of the Spirit 🙏 ✨️ ❤️


The whole of humanity other than the righteous refused the opportunity to come aboard Noah's ark.


So satan was the first sinner and later Adam repented


Jesus died for our sins, he chose to die bc sin was happening all over the world father wanted to destroy humanity but his son said no let me sacrifice myself for everyone he said I still have faith in them. Now he will return later and see who has faith in him ultimate rebel he did the impossible 🥲


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence..


Take a moment to understand that God the creator created us in his own image and not only that he gave us an intelligent mind to distinguish right and wrong, a torch and a guide i.e his word the bible and best of all freedom of choice. So Sin simply is the abuse of this choice.


The flood was supposed to kill the sons of gods, it did not work.


I appreciate what you are trying to do, but you are mistaken. Sin means, literally, "to miss the mark". Wickedness is missing the mark intentionally. Yes, the wages of sin is death. We die because of our mistakes and those of our ancestors embedded in our genetics, in our way of thinking, in our culture and civilizations.

Yet, those 'who do not have the law are judged as a law unto themselves' and without the law, sins were not counted against humans. But the wicked, those who miss the mark knowingly, intentionally, are willing to cause harm to others for their own gratification, because every sin a man can make, except adultery, is outside himself, or, in other words, happens in the public domain, with other people. To declare that it was possible for God to sin and/or that sin could kill God is unbiblical.

-God did not destroy the planet, or even all life. He wiped out land dwelling creatures.
-God did not see 'only evil continually', it was corrupt and full of violence, and that the corruption was due to the corruption of 'their ways'.
-If God intended to destroy all life, he wouldn't have bothered with Noah...and his wife.. and his sons...and their wives....and all the animals.

God doesn't need human editors.


John, in your religion God determined sin. Why did He destroy the world by flood for people simply doing what He decreed that they do? So silly John. I pray that you wake up.


Gods perfect plan went off the rails early.


All I heard from this guy was “Blah blah blah, I’m angry because nobody believes my fucking fairy tale anymore.”


You talk about drowning every last person on earth as if it's nothing? Sin is a victimless crime made up by a fictitious monster in the sky.
