Youth Intake Tips | Increase Your Chances Of A Golden Generation on FM 21

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In todays video Jake shows you some tips and tricks for fm 21 in order to help you Increase Your Chances Of A Golden Generation and get the best youth intakes. Home grown Wonderkids and youth intakes are one of the best parts of football manager 21 and todays video will show you a guide on how to have the best chance of producing the next Golden generation for your club.
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I don't understand why people always complain about 'low quality' intakes. It's not realistic to expect even one or two superstars every year. It doesn't happen in real life so why should it in FM. Clubs release a huge amount of youngsters every year for not being good enough.


I feel very stupid now thinking that youth facilities were the most important thing for a youth intake aha. Great video mate, very helpful!


Club reputation affects newgen starting CA by ~10% (unless my testing was just statistical error, which is possible, in which case it'd have no effect). For PA, club reputation is only used to sort between 2 or more clubs in same division that have identical youth recruitment, so a minor effect. Nation reputation has zero effect (test yourself by setting a nation's rep to '1' as I did). As you correctly identify, there is some kind of association going on with nation ranking points and newgen quality. You might think, as I did, that it's some combination of facilities + nation ranking points + nation youth rating + possibly division reputation that's the key, but nope, it's not. I've tried all sorts of ways to reverse engineer the exact formula from the aspects I do know, and still haven't got it (but my results suggest I'm not far off). One of the biggest spanners in the works is England. Using FM19, Chelsea has 16YR/18JC/8700 Rep in 120YR/7050 Rep nation in 172 Rep/20 team division. It produces better newgens (142 PA +/- ~15 PA) than, or at least equal to, Barcelona (134.6 PA +/- ~10 PA) despite Barcelona being 19YR/18JC/9100 Rep club in 140YR/9200 Rep nation in 184 Rep/20 team division. Try and work that one out. And it's not about staff quality or cup coefficients, as even Brighton averages 110 PA (+/- ~5PA). It's not about club competition (England has many better clubs than Spain, and seven produce 120 PA+) or nation population (England 50mil vs. Spain 46mil) either. I haven't tested HoYD reputation, but anecdotally I can say I've been using a model professional HoYD with half star reputation, and he affects youth players as positively (the HoYD only affects ~2 players per intake) as a high rep model professional HoYD would.


I'm at birmingham and have the fm Legend speakman as head of youth development. He has brought through some fantastic youngsters from all over the world


Let me know if you found this useful and what videos you'd like to see next! Feel free to check out my personal channel in the description to see me play through my Chelsea save! - Jake


one massive one thats also missing that i find very useful is getting awesome affiliates like maybe vitorul....dinamo zagreb....the clubs who produce good regens so they come through your ranks..then the hoyd reputation comes into play


Great video, I've used all these points to try and improve my youth production. I also find that placing high potential youth players in the first team but make them available for their age group helps. They train with your first team. I also get my players in their position to mentor them helping them develop by learning from the guy you eventually want them to replace. Its also good for retraining them into a specific role.


I have a few more tips that help with youth intake, if you don't buy players your chances are higher because you rely on youth instead of buying. Also having more players of your nations choice helps and last tip is well in fm there is a thing called nation youth rating. I'm not sure in newer fm's if it's changed or not but brazil for an example has 180 youth rating so they have always the best chance of getting the best players as for Australia only has 90 so they won't have much of a chance. I am not sure if in newer fm's it changes from season to season the youth rating changes but in the older fm''s it stayed as what it was in the editor.


How funny, , this was the exact top 6 rankings in my first season in fm 21
🤣 Even Liverpool chelsea points were also same


Good video, I even learnt a little here. Now I will add for you that there is a hidden state on the nation you are working in on youth intake. England normally is 18/20 I think but with the in game editor (if you are of that persuasion) you can max it out.


Forgot to mention the affiliated clubs, so chelsea have vitesse for example. You can get dutch youngsters via that link and also can share scouting knowledge so worth setting up some in big countries like germany, france etc


One very important thing about scouting knowledge for a HoYD - it's ok if he/she doesn't have much knowledge of other countries, since as you pointed out, the club's scouting knowledge can compensate well enough.
Especially if you have affiliate clubs in different countries.

What IS very important, is that if you have a new HoYD who doesn't know your country, then until he/she builds up that knowledge you can expect some of the intakes to stink since they don't know the kids available in the area of influence


My head of youth development has a mercenary personality. Which means money oriented so I don't know how that translates to the kind of player he brings. Because he could bring in players with similar mindset but in order to make money he will want to bring people that their value will rise significantly


There's a lot of good players coming from Iceland actually. It's actually impressive how well Iceland performs in football despite being such a small country.
They won't compare to countries like Brazil of course. But still.


Other major tip that is missing in this video - club affiliates help you improve your world knowledge, and allow you to attract youth intake prospects from other parts of the world.

I have a USA affiliate in my Spurs save, and every youth intake generates at least 1 American prospect every year


In 30 seasons, there will be about 2 or 3 times your youth intake will be worth more than the rest youth intake. Sometime I'm cheating save-load when the time of recruitment new players has come to make sure my club got at least 3 good potential young players. But I use Gibraltar nationality to manage Colwyn Bay (Wales) and the strugling is for lifetime. I need more time to make sure the club is estabilished well and gain more reputation than like managing big clubs. But this is what I like from this game.


as far as i know the nations youth rating has the biggest influence, like brazils youth rating is at sth like 160 (max. is 200), england has something like 120 (i dont know the exact numbers, it was something like that in fm2020, havent played fm2021 yet, but the numbers should be still in the same area). i know you can edit that rating in the database with the editor, maybe even with the in-game editor, but i dont think you can influence that rating otherwise in-game, at least it feels like that for me, haven't really tested that. so if you have a high reputation and a good youth intake, but your team is based in a country with a low youth rating, your chances for wonderkids will stay low.


Reputation is a giant pain in the ass for my team. I'm playing as stevenage and since getting promoted from the championship I finished: 2024/25: 14th 40 points -8 goal difference 2025/26: 13th 44 points +4 goal difference 2026/27: 5th 67 points +21 goal difference. Even though I'm performing far far better in the league, my reputation has stubbornly remained at 3 stars, or national level. Its extremely annoying because we are now in Europe and have just got out of the europa league group stage.. and still apparently my reputation only improved marginally from the previous year. So often, people refuse to sign for us before we "improve our standing within the premier league" then they go to literal championship clubs that have higher reputations, i.e 3.5 stars. Its a massive pain in the ass. I'm pretty sure that stadium size is important, but the stadium rebuild I'm doing isn't going to be done for another 2 years and in the meantime nothing I'm doing is helping!!!!


I swapped my head of youth development who had an unambitious personality to one with determined personality. I've only had one real superstar youth come through my academy at my Exeter City team but a few that looked like they could become something. I think a key thing is when to stop sending them out on loan and start playing them. Seems to me a lot of the kids go out on loan and come back worse players, I think as soon as league one and above clubs want to loan them it's time to give them a few games, or maybe it'swhen loads of clubs are trying to loan them when they're not listed for loans. I brought 2 kids through cos of injuries and one hasn't played under a 6.7 yet but he didn't look anything great before but suddenly his stats are shooting up and I've been advised to give him a new contract but thankfully not too good of one otherwise he'll get complacent.
