This Might Entirely Change How You Define A Wild Card

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This might entirely change how you define a wild card. We decoded the script to find out the truth.

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Makes sense, Akechi is justice arcana and he’s a wild card


i cant get “WHY ARE YOU STARING NANAKO” outta my head


The P1 Protagonist, Naoya, actually represented the Emperor Arcana, and he-- along with his entire squad, were wildcards.


Aegis counts as a wildcard? Huh never knew


aigis is a bad example, she inherited the wild card abilities of the persona 3 protagonist (and, as shown in persona arena, his arcana). a better example would be akechi, who technically has the wild card, even though he only has two personas (his, and one resulting in the bond made with joker)


the whole cast of p1 and p2 can be regarded as a wild card


The wild card is more like changing and shaping your personality which is why you're able to wield so many different types of Arcana and grow closer to so many people who are entirely different from each other


didnt *start* but doesnt aigis become the fool arcana when she gets the wild card? It sounds like the wild card is an ability someone of the fool arcana can have. Them not being mutually exclusive is an interesting theory but nothing in this short proves thst


Major Spoilers for P4/P4G. Look away if you wish not to be spoiled.

I’ve always held a theory that Adachi was a wild card user because of how similar Jester is to Fool. And it later changing to hunger is similar to the investigation team becoming seekers of truth for the Judgement arcana. His main persona is Magatsu Izanagi. Which is just corrupt Izanagi. I’ve always thought the idea of an evil wild card user could be potentially interesting. The only thing is Adachi doesn’t summon different personas, but I think he had the potential to be an evil wild card user.


She was Door-san's Chariot yes, but between the two possible P3 protags, we learned that the arcana bond is different between people.

In Episode Aigis, Aigis signed the contract and became a guest of the Velvet Room whether that was the result of becoming a guest is unclear, but Aigis started a new journey thus granting her the Fool Arcana.

I say it was not until Episode Aigis that Aigis had the means of manifesting the Wild Card and so changed her fate.


Plus in the older games every party member is technically a wildcard, right? (Also, the way Tatsuya, Maya, and Naoya's faces were censored lol.)


Aegis starts as the chariot but in Persona 4 arena Ultimax she is of the fool arcana


Fools are more likely to be wild cards, but not every wild card is a fool


My belief is that all Fools are Wildcards, but not all Wildcards are Fools. People of the Fool arcana simply have infinite potential, meaning they can weild Personas of every Arcana out there as long as they have forged a bond with someone of that archetype. P1 and P2 characters are good examples of wildcards that are not of the Fool Arcana. They have Persona suitability as a gameplay mechanic. Akechi is also a good example of this. He awakened to two Personas, Robin Hood and Loki, but he never expanded his arsenal due to a lack of bonds aside from the one he has with Joker. And even if he does expand his own Compendium, I believe the same restrictions given to P1 and P2 characters would apply. Aigis, meanwhile, is a special case. She was directly given the powers of Door-kun. She essentially changed Arcana when she became alive. She went from Chariot to Fool. Elizabeth was also stated to have the same change within her. After the events of Persona 3, Elizabeth went on a journey to free Door-kun's soul. And in Persona 4 Arena, she gained the Fool Arcana, much like Aigis.


Also some thing I wanna point out is that even though Adachi is more contentious he still has the number zero since he’s the jester/hunger.

That’s because the idea of the jester is similar to the number zero in that they’re willing to take on any personality to accomplish it said goal (laughing)

And Hunger being driven to do anything to satisfy his hunger .

Adachi does exhibit the characteristics of a wildcard user and that he’s able to adapt any personality he wants .
The only problem is A sociopath like akechi which seems to be a trend .


Aegis changes to Fool during FES. The only Persona users that fall out of this trend are Users that form a direct link with Philemon, but those Users can also use their Personas in the real world.


The main reason for why many believe the protagonist arcana is the Fool is because that’s their first personas arcana. They don’t have a set arcana since they are a wild card. If we go by social links then you have The SEES Team, The Investigation Team, and “Igor” as the Fool Arcana. It’s tied to the protagonist mainly because it’s their journey and it grows as the journey continues.


True, I mean, Noaya is Emperor Arcana so it's not exclusive to The Fool but I think that Akechi is kinda the anomaly for the sake of a twist we all saw coming in P5.


Adachi is the best wildcard.
(No joke I always believed he could've been one)


In my opinion i think that the wild card instead of representing the fool is a more literal translation of the number zero. Every wild card in the saga is showed to have a sort of void in both his personality and his ideals before their awakenings. This void is mostly made by isolation and lack of socializing that makes them, in the jungian concept, people without personas. They only unlock theirs after an event that causes them to create their own ideals
