Climate Change 'Skeptic' Doesn't Understand CO2

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Today we will be explaining some basic science about carbon dioxide and global warming.

Further Reading on Ocean Acidification:


♫ Break Away by Foria

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I live in India and its literally burning here.
But don't worry denying Americans you had one of highest snowfall this winter so the world is not warming.


The second he used Al Gore as a source, I knew it was going to be a bullshitter.
Al Gore is not a climate scientist, no climate scientists uses him as a source for anything.

The 800 year lag has been explained to the idiots so many times. Potholer54 has an amazing series on climate change, and of course he also dealt with the 800 year lag claim.


I have spent more than my fair share of time debating people on climate, and many of them hold similar views to the guy you are talking about. There are still, sadly, some who say CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, which is always fun, and those who say changes in the past for reasons apart from the current change somehow invalidate the current evidence are abundant. I have found comparing that logic to saying man can't start a fire in the present because fires were started by lightning in the past to be effective.

Another I have found useful for CO2 continuing warming despite the temperature decreasing similar to the aerosol cooling of the mid-1900's, something some can't understand, is to imagine placing a space heater inside an industrial freezer and turning them both on. The heater will still be warming the air, but the temperature will drop due to the cooling variable being stronger than the warming one.

I have noticed a trend over the years of them saying there is no global warming at all >> there is, but it isn't anthropogenic global warming >> there is anthropogenic global warming, but it isn't doing anything >> there is, but we don't know what will happen>> there is, but it won't be bad >> there is and it will be bad, but we'll figure out a solution in the future >> there is, but we can't stop it >> and the one I am waiting for: there is and we could have done something about it, but we waited too long to do anything about it. It has been fascinating watching the views change while fighting to not accept evidence as much as possible. There is a difference in being skeptic about something and just outright refusing evidence provided that doesn't fit your view.

Keep up the good work. I always enjoy and learn from your videos.


Professor Stick's voice is like butter and so soothing. No matter what he says. I could sleep to this dude's voice


"Water is a powerful greenhouse gas."
*seconds later*
"Water is cooling the planet more than CO2 is heating it."


Norway has had like no snow the last 3 years and its depressing, cus i cant rek my siblings in a snowball fight

No but srsly i want more snow


Don't be sad, I hit the bell.
Truly appreciate your explanations on these issues. You consistently provide me with a more thorough understanding of things I've only had a very basic understanding of.


I always try to debate people about climate change and global warming but most of them either just straight up deny it or don’t understand what it is. America just has two pretty big hurricanes one of which was bigger than hurricane Katrina (both of them might have been bigger).


They just don, t want to admit that they are destroying the planet.


Great video as always. Why does nobody talk about the acidification of oceans? Seems like a pretty serious issue. It’s all about how ice caps are melting and average temperatures are getting warmer (and then the counterargument of “it’s not our fault”).


Even if global warming was fake, whats so bad with taking care of our planet? Thats the thing I dont get with these global warming deniers.


I'm kind of ashamed to say I denied climate change not all that long ago

Don't worry -- don't worry! I came to my senses when I realized I was sounding like a Creationist 😖


Always great to watch the videos. So much sass and science in the 10-12 min video


The only thing more stupid than a dome on a flat Earth is a dome on a flat Earth that doesn't trap heat and cause global (platal?) warming.


It’s almost like these skeptics don’t understand science... oh wait...


I thought no one denies global warming anymore since it's so obvious, right...?


There was a recent study on B-vitamin levels in rice and the Atmospheric levels of CO2. It found a correlation between excess CO2 levels and the level of B-vitamins in rice. The amount of CO2 in the Atmosphere is a having a negative affect on the rice's ability to synthesize B-vitamins. This is going to create a deficiency for many parts of the world. Of course, further studies are needed to find out how this happens, so a new breed of rice can be developed.


I sometimes leave you on as background noise but then I feel like I’m getting lectured by someone that thinks I’m an idiot lol


The fact he even brought up that water has a "cooling effect" shows he didnt even get to sofmore year of high school, when you learn the basics of the laws of thermodynamics, like that energy cannot be created or desrtoyed, only converted into different forms.


"Water vapour is a very strong greenhouse gas."
Later in the video
"The evaporation of water will cool the planet."
This is a perfect example of a person who isn't thinking with his brain.
