Stop Micro Stutters in games: Disable Xbox Game DVR (gamebarpresencewriter)

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Stop Micro Stutters in games: Disable Xbox Game DVR (gamebarpresencewriter)

Tired of those annoying micro stutters ruining your gaming experience? Say no more! Dive into this video where I'll guide you through the process of disabling the GameBarPresenceWriter and preventing those pesky micro stutters for good.
This guide will show you how to disable GameBarPresenceWriter through the registry instead. That way it will stay disabled and won't be enabled again.

⚠ Important information:
It is always recommended to create a restore point before messing around in the registry editor.
This disables the functionality of recording your gaming session with Xbox Game Bar.
This does not ensure that all micro stutters will magically disappear, however a lot of users including myself has had success by following these steps.

Registry Key Location:

▼ Download registry files to disable GameBarDVR:

▼ Download/review the registry files on GitHub:

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#xboxgamebar #gamedvr #microstutters #disablegamebar
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