Remake my old videos: Rimuru vs Error

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w edit + whats the font of the normal words that are in the brackets? (ex. [brackets] )


Holy shit your editing has improved so much


W edit, Наблюдаем за эволюцией эдитов по экспонинцеали.
Но вродь cap, римуру от силы 4, ладно 5д. Эррор 6д минимум.
Римуру даже от сайтамы летит в канаву.


theyre both multiversal and if we include righteous error he negs to the bottom of the dimension


Yeah like hell. Error can't take demage from physical or magical attacks, his code is glitched giving him a void like body. Each time you hit him it will be like you hit thin air. Demage dealt? Zero. Plus Error can destroy alternate universes, now I am not clueless as to how string Rimaru is.

According to what I've googled As a true Demon Lord, Rimuru is strong enough to destroy multiple universes.

Well Underverse Error destroyd the entier multiverse, he destroyd nearly ever world that was within Doodle sphere with a simple pull of the string. (Nearly means that it is not confirmed if Dreamtale is destroyd or not since that is the location of Nightmare's castle, Undertale still stands and while every inhabitant of Outertale was killed universe likely survived since Error likes to watch stars.)

So tu sum it up, Rimaru can destroy multiple universes and Error has destroyd the multiverse (With exception of 2 AU's Dreamtale unconfirmed and Outertale spared.)

Undertale does not count since it is original universe and not an AU like the others.


Bro if this is not ln rimuru then error win easy or if this Fanan error would might lose
