DocFlow Overview Presentation

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SAP Solution Manager is the central lifecycle management hub for SAP applications. It is a platform providing strong technical integration with its tools like ChaRM and ITSM in order to run better with SAP Applications.

- Despite its many strengths, SolMan users always mention the lack of ticket reporting. Especially when we talk about:
Relationships between tickets (Incident, Change Request and Change Document)
- Custom search criteria to retrieve tickets
- Custom fields as results

In this context, DocFlow is a Reporting Application and an extensible solution which allows you to have a 360° reporting of your CRM tickets. It provides an enhanced and comprehensive view of ITSM and ChaRM ticket flow (predecessors and successors). It allows users to display all ticket information (incl. Customer Fields) and integration with other applications or process (SolDoc, Transport Management, SAP Notes).

DocFlow has the capability to search on complex criteria thanks to its dynamic architecture based on posteriori and priori search which allow to make search easier and faster.

Amongst other features, it enables complex queries on top of the CRM Engine and allows the following:

- Query of Change Documents by Transport Request / Task and display the Transport Requests associated to a Change Document
- Display the Transport Status information to allow user know where the Change Document has been deployed
- Display the link between ITSM and ChaRM Tickets (up to 3-levels ! e.g. Incident / RfC / Change Document)
- Display when a Change Document was deployed in Production (Production Timestamp)
- Display the Retrofit Status and Retrofit Requests of a Change Document
- Query in ITSM and ChaRM Tickets taking into account the substitution relationship that might have been defined for a Business Partner
- Can be extended to query and report on any data in SAP Solution Manager that is related to ChaRM or ITSM
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