Whitney and Warren on early pregnancy, trauma, love , loss and what’s next | LNN

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On today’s episode of LNS, Warren and Whitney walk us through their love journey, and we get to find out details they have never shared out in public.

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Our beautiful queen is in a stylish and elegant black corporate dress. I affirmed you this morning, Lynn.
This episode is speaking directly to our genZ. Those in that category will definitely get inspired as their parents learn one or two things they can do to make this generation better. Warren and Whitney go it all the way, and God's grace is going to sustain your relationship despite the odds. The best way you can survive the rigours of this uncertain and challenging life is to ignore the voices from without. Marriage is not a walk in the park, nor is it a bed of roses, but with intention, purpose, and commitment to your cause, it is doable.
Lynn's fans, please be empathic and considering in commending this young couple. They are a role model to our genZ that we rarely watch as a pair.
Warren, having grown in such a humble background and a firstborn, maybe this makes it a reason for you to love this gal more. Show your siblings the way as their role model. GenZ is looking up to you, too. In as much as you are not there to please the world, it's legendry for you to do positive things that impact society. That is the essence of role modelling son. Prove to your great dad that as a firstborn, you never let him down.
Please parents help your GenZ children with love and non-judgemental ways. Allow them the latitude and leeway to decide their destiny. GenZ is unique in their own right. Embrace them the way they are. Just guide them with parental love and appreciation.
Warren, let me address you as your father figure. Drinking or smoking of whatever capacity is doomed from the word go. At 14 years, after witnessing my father slide down to oblivion after he suddenly started drinking busaa and changaa, I made a decision never to drink or smoke till I die. All my other siblings went dad's route and got lost. Totally disorganised hitherto. I persevered the odds, married early, and went to campus abroad out of sheer hard work, and today, in my sunset years, I am a proud father of drinkless&smokeless adult married off and in. In simple terms, Warren, I am advising you to focus on your destiny without putting so much energy into your childhood trauma. Quit drinking for good. To live a good life ahead, the two of you ought to be committed to your cause. Love and comfort are not enough, but total commitment and God's grace are.
Lastly, one of the most celebrated young couple in content creating world separated, and one of the unfortunate comments I saw was, "kikuyu women ". Warren son, we don't marry tribes or age or race but compatibility . Keep this girl with your kid to the end.
I love you all, GenZ, as you do your things. We, the adults and your parents, often misunderstand or misconstrue you. Maybe, in marriage issues, you can take time to first understand this life better because single motherhood to living in informal settlement is unforgiving. It might have happened to Warren and Whitney but might not work for everyone. Restrain, wait, and be patient, guys.


I got married when I was 19 years and my husband was 21. This coming September will be our 20th year anniversary. People said we will not last but we are thriving. God is taking you far.


This man doesn't sound like he is 24 ❤❤❤❤such a grown up ...I wish you all the best WW


I speak a blessing to these two and their child. In a world where abortion is considered an easier option, you have proven to be the exception. I commend the sobreity you both have; getting tested, choosing each other, pursuing education, open communication. You have a healthier relationship than most older people around you. Be it unto you according to His word. According to His promises you can both stand secure.


I got pregnant at 22 after graduation and my husband was 25, he had graduated but was yet to get a good job.The backlash and criticism he received from his dad was Soo bad.He would occasionally call just to insult him and remind him how useless he was😂 There's a time he told him'utatembea ukitafutia uyo mtoto mpaka viatu zako ziishe", it was Soo tough coz ilifika point, Ile hoteli alikua anahustle, kazi iliisha, then he had to shift to hawking in town..it was Soo bad aki.we suffered😅..not to mention the nights that we'd sleep hungry..sometimes with no soap to wash clothes aki whenever I remember this scenes I feel like crying but thankfully it's all in the past.two years later, we are still together he has a well paying job, but Mimi bado sjafanikiwa :above all God has been so faithful, So to Whitney and warren, you do you and the world will adjust, As long as your parents have your back, you're good to go, all the best


Dude is breaking generational curses! It’s not easy May God be with you on this journey… there’s never a right time to have a child! Children are a blessing from God. Wishing you both all the best


The guy is composed, mature he knows what he wants, , , , life has no manual ni God tu the very best to them❤


Nilipata my son at 16 years form 3, he has graduated from daystar and my daughter is in cooperative university 2:2 soon 3 year. My last born is junior high school. When I tell people they're my kids they deny. I wish you all the best Warren and Whitney


Got married at 16 gave birth at 17....12yrs later we are still together with my guy and our 3boys we've really grown together literally and I thank God for him....I wouldn't want it any other way


I wish one day I can give my story of how I got married at 19 and even my relatives told me utaachwa tu 15 years down the line they are still waiting. I don't encourage it but Sasa ishafanyika wafanye. I wish this lovely couple well and may they stay together for eternity. Wengine houana na 50 na bado wanaachana


I got pregnant @19 too its hard bt its not hard for everyone, lets give them a chance n give them advise and stop condemning them...


Aaaw I really wanted this interview, done professionally so we get to understand this people.. Just listening before I start making conclusions..
Thank you Lynn for this


I got pregnant when I was 21 years old I went through every stage of life 😢 and hardship but now my kid is 5 years old and am abroad so let this couple be ❤❤❤


Let them be aki, she is already pregnant so what do u want her to do, If she abort u will condemn her, imagne this two will go far they will figure life together God will guide them, let's wish them well acheni kusema wataaachana, kama ww uliachwa DNT think Whitney ataachwa nop let's talk blessings ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Got married when we were 18 and 24, got First born at 19. I was a class 8 dropout and him a form.4 leaver 23 years later, am a graduate and him a PHd candidate. Life happens differently for each...of importance is hpw you two vibe


I dont judge people, i only say a word of blessings to them.
May God bless you, marriage is not easy, yet may God give you courage to maneuver.


Running straight to their channel to subscribe.


Lynn, waaaah, today you have decided to spit wisdom after wisdom to this young couple. This us the rare Lynn we know. Powerful message to this young vulnerable couple. A 19yrs old girl can't be a mother figure to a 24yrs old man whereas, a 24yrs old boy cannot be a father figure to a lady, 5yrs younger". It cannot be put any better. Lynn you killed it big time.
The way the youth today are honest and bare without mincing words is amazing. Whitney and Warren this far the two of you have come and that far you gonna go. Be purposeful in making it a reality. I pray that your bond and love as is manifesting be forever authentic and meaningful to the end. Thank God for where He has brought you and keep holding unto him to your destiny. You chose each otherand often the consequences are felt by only you as individuals not those that troll you on social media. This life is yours and its joy and or happiness depends on the trajectory you purpose to take. Marriage has no formula on how to start it nor does age dictate its success or failure. Success in a marriage depends on your commitment to it and how far you are willing to compromise and accord forgiveness to each other when the worst happens. There is no smooth sail in any marriage out there be it in a Palace, statehouse or the garden of Eden. Acts of omission and commission occur in any relationship because each one of you had different parenting styles. Marriage cannot be run by validation from without but how the two of you choose to position it for best outcomes. At your age, you need to appreciate the fact that you are in the digital age where social media drives almost anything and everything in your lives. To avoid trolls or attacks on social media, be careful what you post or share. Try to avoid, too personal things concerning you two in social media. Secondly, avoid bedroom, living room and kitchen manenos from public gallery. You have parents who love you very much. Do not shame them by sharing unnecessary info in public. From this point onwards, detach from gossip groups, kamati ya roho chafu and anyone that is always criticising the bold decision you made.
Lastly, I encourage you two to go process Lynn's words of wisdom, listen to the voice of positive minds from the comments and choose which ones work best for you. Whitney, may I give you words of encouragement and affirmation my daughter? You choose your path consciously and as long as you are in public space, it's hard to control what people say about you just like it's hard to be loved by everyone. When in public space you attract both haters and admirers in equal measure. The most important thing is how you process what they say. Choose to ignore for your own mental wellness. Know that we are all human and those that judge negatively even the best move you make, are more that those that affirm you. For me, Lynn and all positive minds herein, we wish you success as you look forward to that fruit of your womb soon. God's grace and mercy shall forever follow you to the very end. Its well with you two.


I think Baha and Georgina needed someone to talk to them like Lynn did to these two


Lynn is so gentle and listening carefull she's like the big Sister 🫂❤️ they actually needed that closure big up Lynn 🙏
