How We Get Down to 0.2nm CPUs and GPUs

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We're always wondering, what's next? Every company has a roadmap, and some only mention one or two generations. Here imec is profiling 20 years of development, all the way out to 2036, and the advent of 2D transistors on the '0.2nm or A2' node. In this video, we go through imec's roadmap, highlighting some of the key differentiating points along the research timeline.

[00:00] Teaching Rocks How To Think
[01:05] Who are imec?
[02:35] imec Technology Forum
[03:17] 2018: N7, Metal Pitch, Tracks
[04:25] 2020: N5
[04:36] 2022: N3
[04:50] 2024: N2 and Gate-All-Around
[05:09] 2026: A14
[06:00] 2028: A10 and Forksheets
[06:36] 2030: A7
[06:49] 2032: A5 and CFETs
[08:08] 2034: A3
[08:16] 2036: A2 and 2D Transistors
[09:17] Other Roadmaps and VTFETs
[10:04] Paper on 1nm, or not
[10:46] Backside Power Delivery and Packaging?
[11:20] Beyond EUV?
[12:23] Cat Tax


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Welcome to the TechTechPotato (c) Dr. Ian Cutress
Ramblings about things related to Technology from an analyst for More Than Moore

#techtechpotato #imec #transistor
More Than Moore, as with other research and analyst firms, provides or has provided paid research, analysis, advising, or consulting to many high-tech companies in the industry, which may include advertising on TTP. The companies that fall under this banner include Armari, Facebook, IBM, Linode, MediaTek, NordPass, Qualcomm.
Рекомендации по теме

I think the “what’s next beyond EUV” question deserves a video. The generation and manipulation of photons past EUV becomes a big issue.


I'm hearing a lot about increases in transistor density, but I have a sneaking suspicion that raw improvements in power efficiency will become more elusive over time, leading to greater considerations of things like the Landauer Limit, for instance, or in other words, leading to advanced nodes that pack tons of transistors clocked lower than current nodes, in order to avoid excessive thermal stress...Possibly leading to a revolution in software as we adjust our workloads for wider compute chips with massive parallelization capabilities, a good example of which is the rapid increase in AI based accelerators.


[00:00] Teaching Rocks How To Think
[01:05] Who are imec?
[02:35] imec Technology Forum
[03:17] 2018: N7, Metal Pitch, Tracks
[04:25] 2020: N5
[04:36] 2022: N3
[04:50] 2024: N2 and Gate-All-Around
[05:09] 2026: A14
[06:00] 2028: A10 and Forksheets
[06:36] 2030: A7
[06:49] 2032: A5 and CFETs
[08:08] 2034: A3
[08:16] 2036: A2 and 2D Transistors
[09:17] Other Roadmaps and VTFETs
[10:04] Paper on 1nm, or not
[10:46] Backside Power Delivery and Packaging?
[11:20] Beyond EUV?
[12:23] Cat Tax


I think the real technology breakthrough would be teaching devs to stop reinventing wheels that need 10x the compute to do the same things we already could do.


Ian, fantastic tutorial on the direction of advanced node development. I’m sharing this with my team.


Exciting! The amount of manpower to make chip fabrication possible is baffling. The type of structures for different nodes is also super exciting and I want to watch more about it.


"Forksheet GAAFET" is a terrible name, they should have called them "ForkFETs"


This is one of the best tech presentations I have ever seen on Youtube. Tech TechPotato a huge thumbs up.


this review was awesome, it's like a breeze of fresh air compared to other over-simplistic channels. congrats


Thank you Dr. Ian Cutress for bringing to Technologists minded people the latest and future updates,
with such an informative but at the same time focused on essentials, manner.

For reminding me, your outro track and cat's playfulness,
a little something from a fellow countryman of yours .:
Squarepusher (Tom Jenkinson) - Angel Integer


Will it make very advanced IC manufacturers alike Pharaohs? So far away from common people, they will appear like gods. So much power over everyone.


Thanks Doc!!! But don't forget:


Getting current into and out of dissimilar materials can be a real issue (without large voltage drops). Glad they're getting a start on it now! 😃


If EUV was being discussed about in the 80's, and its mass usage is in 2022, what technologies and scientifical concepts are being discussed today, apart from the one layer of atoms? If you know, that is ofcourse. I would like to imagine what they will do 50+ years from now


Super good analysis and inshowcasing what the major players are doing in this space. What would be interesting is if a review / analysis can be done of what these major fab players are doing in terms of building facilities, identifying the products they will be making, when and where (globally speaking) -- in light of the recent geopolitical turmoil, the US CHIPS act, etc.


The A10 process node in 2028 will be a good time to buy/build a new computer.


Thanks Ian for this. I know it might appear that EUV maybe seem like the end of the road, we may yet find a way to move the path of X-rays.
It also been wonderful seeing you hanging out with Wendell, Steve, Gordon etc. I know I'm not the only person who likes that tech youtubers are a community not a competition.
I see the same thing happening in the space with a lot of them meeting up at #42gsthree & #42gsfour


I know silicon carbide is only used for power Mosfets, but you can do crazy high clock speeds with this stuff. Maybe in 50 years we might see some VLSI SiC chips, then with fabrics, assemble liitle SiC chiplets into fast little CPU's? Or not.


Extremely interesting video. I wonder if there isn’t there more literature on the subject of scaling, metal-tracks and metal-pitch (that isn’t impossible to understand for average readers).


this is some great content. learned a lot. ty for the video
