Hybrid work leaves offices empty and building owners reeling | 60 Minutes

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Hybrid work has put office building owners in a bind and could pose a risk to banks. Landlords are now confronting the fact that some of their office buildings have become obsolete, if not worthless.

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As an office worker I can wholeheartedly say, we don’t care. We are tired of commuting costs, parking costs, $15 ham sandwiches for lunch and not having raises that match up. Woe is me. 😢


The one guy who thinks remote work is horrible is the guy who stands to lose millions because of it. Shocker!


Being able to work from home is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.


You will never be able to shame me into going back to work in some office building. My remote job matched the pay of my last job, full benefits, and the positive of being able to hang out with my dog while I work.


I’m disabled and was considering long term disability in January 2020. I pushed through a couple more months before my company went remote in late March 2020. Remote work saved my life. I actually have the energy to do my job well now, rather than wasting it on commuting and running through a huge campus to various meetings. For some folks, remote work is simply more convenient, but it’s truly life saving for others.


When the commercial real estate CEO says that working from home is bad for business, he means it's bad for HIS business. Many of NYC's industries like marketing can be done about 95% as well remotely as they were done in person pre-Covid. I have worked in advertising in NYC for over 30 years. The last day I spent in the office was March 14, 2020.. In my current remote freelance position as a creative director, I'm in my home in Westchester, I work with an art director who's in Albequerque, NM, an account exec in New Orleans and another account person in Florida. All of our work is done seamlessly and collaboratively and our clients, who are also scattered around the country, are very happy. My commute used to be almost 2 hours each way and now it's 2 seconds. And I have spent countless more hours with my family.


"WFH is bad for people"

Ive been WFH 4 years and im the happiest ive ever been in my life, it is true freedom. Ill take a pay cut before I go back.


No one with any power in America actually enjoys people having options. They thrive when we’re stuck.


Working from home isn’t a societal problem, it’s a huge benefit.


I’m encouraged from the comments here that it seems most people are not falling for the propaganda that work from home is bad for cities and bad for people. This is one of the best things that came out of the pandemic—it exposed the fragile structure that many people made (and make) much money off of. Also these structures required the unquestioning compliance by the masses to make them work for those on top of the food chain. Once you realize that our society is full of these structures, and that you don’t necessarily have to follow them, you get to understand what freedom truly feels like. Question everything you are told from so-called authority figures and politicians. Chances are they’re trying to shape your opinion to shift more power to them.


Those building owners just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work harder.


We, the remote workers, don't care about their bottom line. Our work/life balance is priceless


My wife has been working from home since March 2020 and it has been great for us (and her). We save on gas with her, wear and tear on the car, less risk of car accidents, no wasted time commuting, she sleeps better, if we need something done at the house repair wise, we dont have to take a personal day to get that scheduled, and she gets more work done at home. There isnt the distractions of coworkers and other things.


He forgot to mention that work from home has been great for work life balance.
This is what is really driving the CEOs and corporate leaders to demand back to office.


I serve in the Navy Reserve. Sometimes on drill weekends, we drill from home by completing our training courses online. Even the military is adopting a work from home model.


As a former New Yorker, I smile at this report


Funny how work from home is "bad" to a commercial property CEO lol.


It's disgusting to call something "the biggest societal problem" (5:59) because it hurts your bottom line. Work from home has been the best thing that's ever happened to me!


I have sleep apnea and it makes so much of a difference to me to work remote. I got fired or in trouble at so many jobs for being late. Unless you have the condition it’s hard to understand. People can threaten you all they want; it doesn’t change anything and actually makes the condition worse as you lose more sleep worrying about if you will be able to get good sleep.

I even fell asleep once driving home from work on the highway.

I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with office BS anymore.


The fact they are freaking out tells me that folks are doing what’s right. Less cars on streets, less cost all around
