What Happened Immediately After Jesus Was Crucified? - S&L Short Clips

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Learn the symbolism of dramatic events that happened right after Jesus was crucified -- an earthquake, a veil torn in two, and people rising from the grave.

In the full-length episode "The Meaning of Easter," we take a look at the spiritual meaning Swedenborg uncovered in the Bible parables about the Exodus, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection and study their symbolic parallels with modern-day Easter traditions.

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The Roman guards, the Pharisees, even Poncio Pilates.. they all knew right after jesus died that he was truly divine.. that he wasn't any men.. everything TURNED DARK, it wasn't even near the sunset, and the earthquake and the temple's destruction.. they all knew what they had done.. and then Jesus resurrected ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


This is so fascinating. I love learning about the symbolism in the Bible. The temple veil made me think about the thin veil between our world on Earth and the Other Side, Aka The Kingdom of God or Heaven. Thank you, Curtis, for another wonderful short clip. 😎


True everything in the Bible is symbolic teaching us wisdom and truth in our walk with Jesus Christ. The curtains splitting into two is very significant representing oneness in God we are free to come to him as his children. Thanks Curtis


Thanks. That’s amazing how all these little details of the crucifixion all symbolized something important.


Correct and true. If Jesus don't come, we would have been lost to evil. So grateful for a. God that loves us so much and fought for our worthiness to be called children of the most High. And an example of how we has parents would do everything in our power to save our children. Awesomeness and so humbling. Love and blessings 😇🙏🌺


The Church was already started! It started on the shores of Galilee when Jesus called his first disciples. The Veil torn in two means that we now have direct access to God!


I don't catch all your videos but the ones I do catch are always extremely interesting and informative. Thanks oTLE🙏


I love and appreciate this channel so much! Been watching since I found you in August 2017. You've changed my life here on earth and possibly my eternity too! thanks a mil!


Veil splitting is also the potential for people not to be in secret societies to be part of real illumination. Freedom from false secrets and freedom to see real inner secrets.


I appreciate this channel ....Yes the soil of the flesh /religions hold (by fear of an angry God) upon our minds was shaken and it is good to know that Christ (Truth) is risen out of the grave/tomb of our mind...and the glory of eternal access to God called Heavenly Father can never be separated from us by his Love.


CS Lewis explains well why God had to become man and die. Explained in different words than Swedenborg, I mean but similar point imo. He says God could not save us because he did not have the experience of what its like to be human and so he did not come to give us an example as metaphor but example in Reality a true deep blueprint (my words) of reality unto which our possibility is drawn into and we can be saved ...from hells he fought off and whatever else is contained in there .Numerous things, obviously...


Do not forsake me my Lord, when jesus was crucified I believe the veil was closed between the two world because of what happened to him, darkness reigned, but people are starting to see the light around the world and the veil is being lifted, enlightenment.Those who see the light of goodness receive the grace of the Lord.Im just starting a picture of jesus with sacred heart for my husband, diamond painting what a coincidence.Love to the world.💖 Amen.😇120 liked person, look up 120 the bible wheel amazing.means everything at this special time.🙏


There was an intense blackout 🌑 over the entire earth until the ninth hour, graves and tombs began to cracked down.


I'm watching on good friday 4/7/23


Very informative! Like your explanation. I got questions if you could help


You should already know, I’m moving on before I forget the next part.


I hope this is apropos of this segment... I've been getting a message lately that is simply, "Jesus never left." I can feel it doesn't contradict the resurrection, and it seems obviously true somehow. In fact, my reaction is spontaneously 'of course he didn't leave.' But so much Christian theology seems based on him 'coming back.' Does this make sense from a Swedenborgian perspective?
Thank you.


I read an account of Jesus in Joseph McMoneagles book, The Ultimate Time Machine. He did a remote viewing session on the life of Jesus. He says about Jesus's death. " The death was as represented, but he didnt die on a cross. He died before he was nailed to the cross . He wasn't nailed in that respect either . His body was hung by ropes which were nailed. I see them driving spikes into the wood and then they tied the body to the spikes. When asked how Jesus died, Joe said . " I see intense torture. Multiple beatings. I only identify with a strike to the head regarding that . I think he was struck in the head with an object. "


Like any other text, we read the Bible 'literally' where it makes sense in context and 'figurative' where it makes sense. Is there symbolism in the scriptures, yes of course. But when it says 'the saints who had fallen asleep were raised', that is clearly not symbolic language. The veil in the temple was torn literally, [as in.. it was physically ripped from top to bottom] And it has a symbolic meaning. Matt. 27: 45 - 54 It is not clear what you mean by this 'symbolism' but the text is very clear; there was 3 hours of darkness, an earthquake in Jerusalem, the veil in the temple was torn and the saints were raised from the dead. The earthquake has been confirmed by geologic surveys-likely April 3, 33 A.D


Have you guys read Tolstoy books on Gospels and CS Lewis Mere Christianity? What do you think of that? What were they missing . It seems to me they make very good points but they dont go deep enough into the inner meanings . Now, is that because they just could not see the deeper meaning from information they encountered in their search or they were lacking information about it? I wonder.
