Highest Expression of Friendship: The Sacred Bond Between Guru and Disciple | 2024 Convocation
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On the spiritual path we often feel the need for a guide we can trust, who truly understands us and always acts for our highest good. Paramahansa Yogananda said: “The guru-disciple relationship is the highest expression of friendship, for it is based on unconditional divine love and wisdom. It is the loftiest and most sacred of all relationships.” In this talk, Self-Realization Fellowship monk Brother Bhumananda shares wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda on how we can consciously experience the unconditional nature of this divine friendship — so that the guru’s guiding presence becomes an ever-increasing reality in our lives. Watch this video to learn how a true guru can help the spiritual seeker in ways that no one else can.
This video is part of the 2024 SRF World Convocation, a free weeklong program of online classes on Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” teachings and meditation techniques, guided group meditations and kirtans (devotional chanting), virtual pilgrimage tours to the ashrams where Yogananda lived and communed with the Divine, and more.
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About Subtitles/closed captions: We are happy to provide quality subtitles in several languages. If no captioning is yet available in your language, please check back soon.
Los subtítulos en español estarán disponibles pronto. Además, estamos preparando una versión de alta calidad de estos subtítulos, que estará disponible poco después de la Convención.
Untertitel in Deutsch werden in Kürze verfügbar sein. Außerdem erstellen wir derzeit eine qualitativ hochwertige Version dieser Untertitel, die kurz nach der Convocation verfügbar sein wird.
I sottotitoli in italiano saranno presto disponibili. Ne stiamo predisponendo una versione di elevata qualità che sarà pronta a breve dopo il termine della Convocazione.
As legendas em português estarão disponíveis em breve. Também estamos trabalhando atualmente numa versão em alta qualidade dessas legendas, a qual estará disponível logo após a Convocação.
Les sous-titres en français seront disponibles bientôt. Nous travaillons également sur une version haute qualité de ces sous-titres qui sera disponible peu après la Convocation.
仮の日本語字幕(自動翻訳の簡易修正版)がほどなく追加されます。こちらの字幕は、コンボケーション終了後なるべく早い段階で通常品質の正規字幕に差し替えられます。 中文字幕即將推出。我們目前也在製作這些字幕的高品質版本,將在大會結束後不久提供。 中文字幕即将推出。我们目前也在制作这些字幕的高质量版本,将在大会结束后不久提供。
This video is part of the 2024 SRF World Convocation, a free weeklong program of online classes on Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” teachings and meditation techniques, guided group meditations and kirtans (devotional chanting), virtual pilgrimage tours to the ashrams where Yogananda lived and communed with the Divine, and more.
For the latest content from SRF:
About Subtitles/closed captions: We are happy to provide quality subtitles in several languages. If no captioning is yet available in your language, please check back soon.
Los subtítulos en español estarán disponibles pronto. Además, estamos preparando una versión de alta calidad de estos subtítulos, que estará disponible poco después de la Convención.
Untertitel in Deutsch werden in Kürze verfügbar sein. Außerdem erstellen wir derzeit eine qualitativ hochwertige Version dieser Untertitel, die kurz nach der Convocation verfügbar sein wird.
I sottotitoli in italiano saranno presto disponibili. Ne stiamo predisponendo una versione di elevata qualità che sarà pronta a breve dopo il termine della Convocazione.
As legendas em português estarão disponíveis em breve. Também estamos trabalhando atualmente numa versão em alta qualidade dessas legendas, a qual estará disponível logo após a Convocação.
Les sous-titres en français seront disponibles bientôt. Nous travaillons également sur une version haute qualité de ces sous-titres qui sera disponible peu après la Convocation.
仮の日本語字幕(自動翻訳の簡易修正版)がほどなく追加されます。こちらの字幕は、コンボケーション終了後なるべく早い段階で通常品質の正規字幕に差し替えられます。 中文字幕即將推出。我們目前也在製作這些字幕的高品質版本,將在大會結束後不久提供。 中文字幕即将推出。我们目前也在制作这些字幕的高质量版本,将在大会结束后不久提供。