Watch Out for This if You Visit Iraq

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This happened to us twice tonight, and has happened countless times in Iraq and throughout the Middle East! Definitely gotta watch out for this 😜

The generosity and hospitality of people in the Middle East is unmatched! We are so inspired by the kindness of everyone we have met in Iraq.

This video was inspired by something we saw on YouTube Shorts, but we can't find the video now to tag them. If you come across it please let us know!

📍 Iraq with @bilweekend

If you're new here, we're an American travel couple on a trip to visit every country 🌍

We've traveled for 7 years (starting by RVing the 50 states) but we're not experts of adventure travel tips or couples travel - or really anything other than getting hangry 😂

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Been there, the Iraqis are the sweetest people, really hospitable and very fun to have around also they have an amazing culture and traditions!


I have interacted with so many people from Iraq online and they’re some of the kindest people I have ever met.


🇮🇶❤️🇺🇲 this is our way how we welcome you and show our hospitality


Infact arab peoples are very good and dear ones. Love from India.❤


I would literally do anything just to leave American and go there


Okay, as a Kurd who was in Sulaymaniyah the most, and as a teenage girl.
I will have to say watch out for kidnappings and getting scammed.
Some areas are beautiful and the food is actually so fkn amazing.
But sometimes people take extra money from you so you most of the time have to negotiate, and bringing a man with you (say he is your husband, brother or father) is an extremely good precaution.
I’m not saying there aren’t good people, but there are definitely scammers and dangerous ones too.

But it might be different for complete tourists but good luck communicating😭


Ngl you look local with that abaya until you start speaking 😂


you gave them the money anyway, because these people are living in poverty, and the exchange rate means that you are spending pennies in USD/CAN, correct?


Then why they didn't give us their oil
