Common questions about LTD Claims and Employment Rights - Employment Law Show: S5 E24

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COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT LTD CLAIMS AND EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta on Season 5 Episode 24 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.
☎️ 1-855-821-5900 (Toll-free)
0:00 - Intro
🔹 Pressured to resign by employer - 2:25
I've been employed for almost 30 years and I informed my employer I was going to retire. My employer begged me to stay on. I agreed but six months later my employer told me I could retire now. What am I owed?
📞 Laid off only offered vacation pay and last paycheque - 6:11
❓ Harassment in the workplace - 9:54
▶️ Common questions about LTD Claims and Employment Rights
1️⃣ Should I appeal the insurance company’s decision if my long-term disability claim is denied or cut off? - 11:54
2️⃣ Can my employer fire me if my long-term disability claim is cut off or denied? - 14:04
3️⃣ Do I have to keep in regular contact with my employer while I’m on LTD? 15:16
4️⃣ Can my employer refuse to take me back or put me on light duties if the insurance company says I am well enough to work? - 16:27
5️⃣ Can my employer fire me while I am on long-term disability? - 17:43
📞 Minimum severance entitlements - 19:04
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: Many companies are interested in only meeting minimum severance pay requirements when terminating employees. How do you get a full severance package in that situation?
📞 My employer refuses to accommodate childcare needs - 22:12
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: My friend’s boss just told her that the schedules are going to be changed, and will no longer accommodate her requests, including considerations for her spouse and kids’ schedules. Does she have any options?
❓ Terminated employees entitled to bonuses - 25:27
📱 Pocket Employment Lawyer - 26:59
I worked at a company for 11 years and was offered one week of severance pay per year. Is this right?
#EmploymentLawShow #SeverancePay #SamfiruTumarkin #EmploymentLawyer
☎️ 1-855-821-5900 (Toll-free)
0:00 - Intro
🔹 Pressured to resign by employer - 2:25
I've been employed for almost 30 years and I informed my employer I was going to retire. My employer begged me to stay on. I agreed but six months later my employer told me I could retire now. What am I owed?
📞 Laid off only offered vacation pay and last paycheque - 6:11
❓ Harassment in the workplace - 9:54
▶️ Common questions about LTD Claims and Employment Rights
1️⃣ Should I appeal the insurance company’s decision if my long-term disability claim is denied or cut off? - 11:54
2️⃣ Can my employer fire me if my long-term disability claim is cut off or denied? - 14:04
3️⃣ Do I have to keep in regular contact with my employer while I’m on LTD? 15:16
4️⃣ Can my employer refuse to take me back or put me on light duties if the insurance company says I am well enough to work? - 16:27
5️⃣ Can my employer fire me while I am on long-term disability? - 17:43
📞 Minimum severance entitlements - 19:04
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: Many companies are interested in only meeting minimum severance pay requirements when terminating employees. How do you get a full severance package in that situation?
📞 My employer refuses to accommodate childcare needs - 22:12
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: My friend’s boss just told her that the schedules are going to be changed, and will no longer accommodate her requests, including considerations for her spouse and kids’ schedules. Does she have any options?
❓ Terminated employees entitled to bonuses - 25:27
📱 Pocket Employment Lawyer - 26:59
I worked at a company for 11 years and was offered one week of severance pay per year. Is this right?
#EmploymentLawShow #SeverancePay #SamfiruTumarkin #EmploymentLawyer