Post Concussion Syndrome | HEADLINE [Full]

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I have this it’s sooo life changing it’s very frustrating n difficult to deal with I have this for now 2 n half years n still have daily headaches dizziness mood swings it’s awful wish I could just feel like a normal person... n people don’t see this so they don’t think this crap is real but it’s definitely real


Lived with this for 2 years. It's life changing, but we all have to stick together. I'm more appreciative of life now than ever. God bless us all that are dealing with this.


I got diagnosed with this. I started HBOT and I think It's really helped. I can't believe how 'gone' I truly was. Completely lost in the ether of my mind. Now I'm finally starting to come back to life.


It's been almost 7 years, At times I want to give up. The frustration of begging for help and Dr. after Dr. telling me that I look fine.


Totally understand where everyone that has commented so far is, I had a MTB crash in April and 5 months later I'm still dealing with the symptoms of PCS.
The worst is that it's not visible to anyone and it's hard to explain what is going on.
Praying that everyone is on the road to recovery.. 🙏 🙏


I hear you and can totally empathize with you. I've suffered for twenty years. In New Zealand, our Accident Compensation scheme is awful at assisting in PCS. I sincerely hope your doing well, it can be a very loenly experince


Im 4 years in PCS and i feel like im going crazy, The emotional rollercoaster is just awful.


Anybody have pauses in their speech? Its like my brain needs to take a deep breath every once in a while and then I forget where my conversation was going asking people "what was i saying"? Been three years makes me wonder if I have brain damage or something. Still waking up with mayonnaise in the cupboard lol.


I have had seven concussions. I have PCS and I am not the same person I was. My family does not understand. Photo phobia can be debilitating and I have to get special glasses. Working is a huge issue because some days I can't get out of bed or I randomly lose my balance. I am not able to always tell when there are objects close by, so I hit my head frequently.

During one of my concussions, an ER Dr prescribed me something that actually makes concussion symptoms worse and ended up in the hospital for several days.


It's been almost 2 years already and I'm still not better, it's hard. I was hit by a vehicle towards the end of 2019, I had the common symptoms but I never knew about either concussion or PCS then so I thought I'd just shake it off.

I went to several doctors months after that to complain of memory and vision issues, they recommended me a pair glasses saying I was astigmatic and that every other symptom was merely psychological.

Well it isn't cause now my case is worse and I feel really depressed. I am a final year Chemistry student in college and I fear I might need to defer and I won't graduate with my friends. I'm so sad.


Im 15 years old and I got hit in the head in football 5 months ago. Ever since then I've had: headaches, sickness, confusion, tiredness, shaking hands etc. It's completely ruined my life.
