Dark energy has REPULSIVE gravity

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There's *a lot* of research onto what dark energy might be, and while we might be a bit closer, we definitely don't have the answer. Nonetheless, what we *do* know is how it can drive expansion.
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I realize that doing anything with equations is essentially death for popsci type of content, but it would be cool if someone did a series introducing the major equations at a basic level, explaining their parts, how they work. and how they are applied in the field.


I like how you say it in the simple way, and then say it in the “idk what any of those words mean” way.


Does the little lie refer to the stress tensor being covariantly conserved rather than simply dE/dt = 0?


Looks like the Alcubierre drive isn't as far away as we thought.


It absolutely does not have repulsive gravity by any definition of the word.


where did you get the background picture from looks like a nice desktop background


In the example of your piston, energy is being introduced to the chamber from outside of it. In the case of the universe, is energy being introduced to the universe from outside of the universe?

Thousands of years ago, mathematicians were performing algebra by graphing the formula in 2d and calculating the area of the resulting rectangle. This was effective for simple algebra, and even more complex cubic polynomials, but quadratic formulas were a mystery for over 2000 years. Until the discovery of imaginary numbers. Essentially, that extra corner of the rectangle was there, it was just imaginary. But it still had an impact on the outcome of the solution.

Its time to revisit kaluza klein theory as a solution to the apparent weakness of gravity. Especially now that the klein gordon equation has successfully predicted the higgs boson. Gravity is weak because its going somewhere else. The container (the universe) is bigger than what we're seeing in 3 dimensions. However, is it an extra dimension or a compactified dimension? Why don't we see the effects of this omnipresent extra dimension? Why doesn't it correctly predict the mass of the electron? (Or why does Yang Mills theory STILL not correctly predict the masses of SU(3) unitary particles, which include anything that obeys the pauli exclusion principle? Which is a part of the standard model) And why does quantum mechanics STILL not agree with general relativity?

Its because we're defining mass wrong. And no we don't need energy from outside of the universe. Dark energy is the product of an extra scalar field interacting with ours. A symmetry breaking mechanism for real mass; an imaginary mass scalar field. In fact, its not just any scalar field, and we do see the omnipresent effects of it in the form of charge. This imaginary mass scalar field is the dirac field, which unifies the 3 forces of electroweak symmetry with gravity and reduces all of them to just the gravitational topology of space. Quantum spin, which is NOT angular momentum, is actually 2 directions of motion in an extra, imperceptible dimension. That's why particles obey pauli exclusion, but pairs of particles can still occupy a single quantum state. Because there is an extra imperceptible vector in the universe.

Particles have complex mass. Which means they have two self interacting mass fields and that's why we see an interference pattern in the double slit experiment when only one particle passes through a slit, but when we interact with it, it goes away. Because when we measure it, we're correlating all of our results because we can only measure it from the higgs field. Which satisfies bell's inequality.

The dirac field is our universe's proverbial inner cauchy event horizon and its also the reason why black holes can be stable without a singularity at the center. Because their inner cauchy event horizon's produce repulsive gravity as well, leading to internal expansion that is decoupled from the external radius of the black hole. Quantum entanglement, quantum tunnelling, and virtual particles are all just interactions via this extra vector. And dark matter is the net effect of these extra imaginary mass interactions between REAL matter. We only see it on larger scales because they're 1d interactions and don't obey the inverse square law. But they do produce a net repulsive gravitational interaction.

This is also why string theory failed. String theory tries to explain the universe using higher dimensions. But higher dimensions to explain our universe reintroduces the same problem as infinite regress. If we need higher dimensions to explain lower dimensions, then how do we explain the higher dimensions? And if higher dimensions need lower dimensions to explain them, then why can't our number of dimensions just use lower dimensions to explain them? It violates occam's razor, as well as our observations of emergence. Complex systems are made up of many simpler systems. Not even more complex ones. We don't need higher dimensions to explain the universe, we need lower ones.


What concentration of dark energy (nJ m^-3) would estimate the earliest rates of expansion of the Universe during/after the big bang?


My demi educated brain says:

Dark energy is the accumulative effects of virtual particles popping into and out of existence. The "new space" is the "path" the vp pair takes, between the paths. As distance between two points increase, more empty space is available for the vp action, creating the super weak positive feedback loop.

That's my prediction, anyway.


Can I cook some of that dark stuff up on my kitchen stove?lol


So if we figure it out we could go Star Trek?


OK Seriously, who made that outro song? AI generated, or Blitzbrother? Who?


It's because the dark matter would generate a field.... And its gravitational pull has a lower level of energy ...(At least the energy that makes up the graviton or gravity in the dark matter)... than the rest of the gravitational pull in regular matter meaning they're not the same frequency which means they cannot pull into each other... Or something like that😅


....Anyway you're right....😂 It would just be the energy level of the dark energy because they are different energy levels they repel from one another but they're still gravity it's just like how the electron can't absorb the photon.... They're basically different energy levels so they can't quantum entangle


So Dr blitz....
If movement causes gravity
And dark energy really does have a repulsive Force against gravity how come the fields don't get pushed apart all energy has gravity so.... Oh I get it the dark energy's gravitational pull isn't strong enough to affect the quantum level of matter in the other Fields but dark energy can affect space....😅


Only repulsive force is true atrective force is our imagination


dark energy dosent exist. gravity is repulsive as much as attractive. depending on the density of the mass reacting to the dialated time difference.
