WoW Classic - IMPROVED 40-54 Mage 1 Pull ZF GY Solo! 200k xp/hr | 50g/hr!

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2:26 - Easy and SAFE GY strategy!
21:54 - Run to GY #2
24:13 - How to speed level defense!
25:47 - Talents and Gear

Hello everyone and thank you for checking out this wow classic video! If you're enjoying these videos or have any questions, please let me know in the comments below, like the videos and subscribe! They really help out the channel and help more people learn these strategies!

In today's wow classic video we talk through an IMPROVED mage 1 pull ZF GY solo method! I previously made a video about this strategy linked up above, but there was one big issue. A lot of people had trouble getting to the GY due to the safe spots causing issues, especially for trolls. This method uses a special technique to make getting to the ZF GY much easier and completely safe, even at level 40!

This makes this power level method and speed farm even better than before, and also allows it to be done as early as level 40-54!! This is by far one of the most fun 1 pull strategies and the fastest speed leveling possible! It is so fast that you can level in 30 minutes per level all the way up to 50 before it starts to slow down a little bit. Ask me any questions about the IMPROVED 40-54 Mage 1 Pull ZF GY Solo down below!!

Thank you everyone and I hope this video helped you in some way! If it did or if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below. Look forward to seeing you all in the next video!
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This video was incredibly helpful. I just completed it successfully on my level 41 mage. I would never have pulled it off without this video, but here are a few additional comments that I discovered on my (many) unsuccessful attempts before I got it right.
At 3:00 - be sure you stick to the left side of the wall so you don't aggro the mobs below and DIE.
At 5:20 - stick to the right side near the wall so you don't aggro additional mobs and DIE.
At 5:25 - run to the right side of the boxes so you don't aggro additional mobs and DIE. Also, run up the right side of the hill. The center is too steep to climb, and you will DIE.
At 5:55 - remember the urn to the right is a reset spot, so jump up on it if you are low on health/mana so you don't DIE.
At 7:25 - stay near the wall as you begin opening the second set of graves so you don't aggro the ones already active and DIE.
And finally, if this is your first dungeon farm, expect to fail and DIE over and over. You will likely need a stockpile of invisibility potions to burn through while you are learning the mechanics. But man is it satisfying when it all comes together.
Thanks again to Arlaeus for the excellent information.


just hit 40 on my first mage last night, and gave this an attempt today. I managed to get to the GY and do the pull on my first try, tho not perfect, and few close calls during the pulls, and missed some graves. I managed to get at least half the graves, giving me 34k exp on my first run. I did follow this guide very carefully, and i was happy with my first attemt! Thank you so much for all the great videos you create for us


For anyone new to this, one of the most important things is (I don't know if it was mentioned in the video, it probably was!) getting a minor speed enchantment on whatever boots you get/have, it makes the jumping and running a ton easier.


One hint for beginners: 8:32 Arlaeus says that every time you interact with the boss, one grave gets opened, so what you can do to get the remaining graves if you missed some while running and opening them, is jumping up the wall next to the boss, wand him and immediately take a step back and use line of sight to drop aggro. Rinse and repeat until he opened all the remaining graves. you can also use this technique "stand" mobs that you struggle pulling when going for the kill nearby the boss. Also note that you can pull the heroes independently from the zombies, so if you frostbolt a zul farrak hero standing nearby the boss, only the heroes will attack you and you can pull the zombies after killing the zombies and regenerating. This is useful in the beginning when you are not used to the different run-speeds and different health levels yet. You can also solo the boss at around (level 46/ 47) by standing one the wall left of him, frostbolting and getting out of sight while he is casting. once he stops casting, you have to immediately move back into sight, cast another frostbolt-fireblast and get back out of sight. rinse and repeat until he is down. It certainly will get a bit frustrating in the beginning since the boss resets if your timing of getting back into sight is off but ultimately it is worth it since over time you get his staff and gloves which is a huuuge boost for doing these pulls. Things are much easier when using mp5 buff-food and according to others the minor speed enchant on boots (which I never used though). Gl


Thanks for your videos, mate. I jumped up from 42 to 52 in 2 days and it is my first wow experience ever.


Awesome guide well put together, informative, and easy to understand. I'm currently level 22 but will be using this for sure. Thankyou very much for taking the time to put this together.


Hey man, I gave up on this months ago and recently decided to give it a shot. After revising this video, I sucessfully got my first ZF GY clear without much trouble, and I've done three straight so far. Thanks for this helpful video :)


Awesome guide! Couple things i noticed from my own runs: The initial patrol setup is ideal for pulling as few mobs as possible. If I died and tried again, I would often run into at least one patrol where the second pot runs out, and would always end up dying. So the most efficient way i find if you die on first attempt, is just to reset and try again. Also, if Dustwraith spawns by the boss, don't panic, he is basically the same as a zombie. I did lose aggro on him when he was low on health, not sure if that was a bug or boss mechanic. But got it back quickly without any issues, just be aware that might happen


Thanks! helping jokered on HC servers. sent this vid. hope our doing well .From Waspire


So glad I found you channel man!
I started leveling a mage few weeks ago and all these guides has made it soooo much easier.


For those doing it in SOD P3 - don't go for either Invis pots or the wall reset. Invis pots give you only a very limited range, you end up dismounted, and, most importantly, it puts your health pot on CD. Having an extra 700-900 HP when you need it is much more useful for surviving. The wall - it's a difficult jump, and if you fail it - you die. It's MUCH easier to just keep running to the first set of boxes (second, if we count the ones that now have an invisible wall). I died many times trying to make the jump until I realized that running to the safe spot and popping a HP pot simply works.


As an ally mage I level my defense at the silithid swarmer's in the Barrens. Pull 2, and they are level 20. They spawn tiny little bugs... DOZENS of them, that all hit for 1 damage. Just let them multiply into the hundreds while they tap on mana shield/Icebarrier/Iceblock. Then when you get low on mana or HP, use a rank 1 nova and kill all the tiny bugs and kill the 2 level 20s. This even works at level 60.


Hi! One thing you forgot to mention is the little ledge on top of the boss that you jump onto is very important to hit, since you'll just fall into a hole (see 10:28) and have trouble getting out. And die! Thanks for the guide though, very helpful!


The safe spot was a big issue for me when i started this if you run at the wall stop then jump while touching the wall you wont miss the jump once!


Hey Arlaeus, I just started doing this run on my mage at level 40 and after really struggling to get to the GY I came up with a slight variation on your strategy that seems to be easier for me. So as a possible alternative i would suggest. 1) Do the first (lesser) invis pot as shown in the video. 2) Do the jump up onto the wall. 3) Then instead of using the second invis pot, mana shield up, frost shield up, and run through to the second reset spot shown in the 42-54 leveling video. This is a relatively safe run, does not pull too many mobs. 4) from here you can use the second invis pot and you make it a lot further through the run before dropping invisibility.
This is just what i found was more reliable for me


Nice new video :)
2 things to mention for ZG GY:
1. There is also a reset spot at the beginning on the left side (opposite where you reset, where you find the basilisk) which is a must have for trolls at low levels, might also be better as would keep you closer from the other entrance
2. when aggroing the 3rd pack of zombies, you don't need to wait for the reset, you can as a troll jump without the mount to have them not being reset and start the pull faster, without even having to annoy the boss :)


Tip: To make the first jump onto the bosses altar, what worked most consistently for me by far is running all the way into the corner, tapping backpedal once lightly, then jump and tap w after your jump.


Thank you for this extremely helpful guide! I just bought a mount so i don't need the invisibility potions but the part were you pull everything and blizzard them down helped me a lot.


Commenting from a TBCC view: the potions now DO share the same cooldown. So you gotta wait around 8 minutes at4:44 :( makes it quite slower to get there but oh well


thank you for the guide. I used this and managed to learn the run in a few days. I died too much at 40 and 41 getting to the GY, but at 42 I managed to do it, and completed 7 runs in one evening, going from just hit 42 to 45 in a couple of hours. I did have a few deaths
