Why Was Legion the Last Good Expansion in Modern WoW?

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Legion was the last modern expansion which received a lot of positive feedback, but what was so different from Legion when compared to other modern expansions, from warlords of dreanor all the way to Shadowlands?

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For me, the best part of Legion was how much content you had. And I don't mean the repetitive stuff, but content that made the world feel alive. You had leveling campaing, each class had it's own story and you had suramar, balance of Power... Hell even professions had their own campaings. All that stuff coming our way after an expansion where the story felt halted for 2 years was awesome.


People had been asking for class quests back for years, then Legion basically gave us class chain quests and story lines. Legion certainly had it's faults, but I'd rate it as one of my favourite expansions ever made.


You know you're old when MoP is considered "old WoW".


Legion honestly feels like it could have been the end of WoW. I know there are a lot of loose threads to tie up, but shutting Sargeras down and dismantling the Burning Legion is pretty much what most of WoW was built around.

With those elements gone, Blizzard kinda had to start pulling on other loose threads to keep shit going, or even just creating entirely new lore.


Anyone who knows how HYPE Rock Lee dropping the weights was is someone whos opinion can be trusted.


I Miss the Arcane mages' talking staff, and the cannonball aoe for outlaws. Still mad about how they made a pirate themed spec, and in the next expansion they took out almost all pirate-like abilities


Legion seemed to be the last expansion where they had a good solid content pipeline, heck they managed to add 4 new zones while it went on, ontop of cinematics and a story that was compellint to players of all sides and all the other systems they added. Shadowlands wasn't supposed to have a content drought but covid and everything going on at blizzard is causing another WoD situation.


Even today Legion takes so much time to complete, back then the amount of things you were able to do was insane. Also I'll forever miss fishing with random people for the artifact rod all day long.


*Legion* was the swan song of many developers of the old guard (pre Vanilla), that left Blizzard and or the WoW Team for greener pastures. So there was a big push to make this one count.
Also, the fact Legion was so big was the reason WoD was put on "life support". It had more resources during production than an expansion would normally have.


I liked how Legion closed many storylines that were previously opened - Burning Legion, Pantheon, Illidan, Draenei, Sargeras etc. After that, BfA closed the rest (Azshara, Old Gods) and Shadowlands had to open a new chapter.


Considering the whole afterlife theme, I was expecting them to go full-on nostalgia focused with Shadowlands, and just bring out a ton of old characters. But most of them are barely even cameos, and even then their past lives aren't really like... explored at all? They sort of bring up what they used to be, but it in no way plays into the actual plot of Shadowlands. They could have had a whole thing where known characters are sort of reenacting/continuing the grudges they had in life; Garrosh stuck in an endless battle against enemies of the Horde, or Kael'thas trying desperately to find salvation for his people, to no avail; the player made to help them in some way, or just join in on the eternal conflict temporarily.

But sure, I guess we could spend the whole campaign in skeleton land hanging out with Thrall's mom instead... that's much more interesting.


As someone who has played the same character for years, I’m very connected to my class. So the Dreamgrove and all the important characters solidified this as my favorite expansion. I really felt like an Archdruid. The mage tower and class mount quest made it better, and I really liked Argus.


i forgot which of the devs said it, it might have been ion, but i remember them saying “ya legion was good but it was a lot of work”

this is the blizzard that makes wow now


Should've been the end of Wow honestly. Nice and conclusive ending to the story. Could've been a chance to start an entirely new game


man you're making me miss legion

I was so happy back then, now WoW just feels like my childhood friend who became a piece of shit over time and I dont recognize him anymore


Legion was the pinnacle of "The chosen"-Character trope, the player character was simply the hero of everything and everyone and then basically back to faction lapdog in BfA, just like Cata to MoP, from fighting a world breaking dragon to clearing Fields of vermin... i think the shift of tone is really strange between the expansions and just no consitencies there.

Also i hate it how Legion had 0 epilouges for the class halls, they safed the world but are okay with world war again in BfA?


Legion was well established with know enemies and heroes. Unlike the current one with Dr evil and Sylvanas(soon to be a martyr) Windrunner.


MoP imo

Underrated at the time, amazing in retrospect


Legion was the pinnacle of my WoW experience. I could not stop playing Legion for the life of me. Legion was World of Warcraft for me. I loved and enjoyed every second of every zone and every single dungeon and raid. It was so much fun. I remember when they revealed that we were going to Argus. I was only 14-15 at the time, but I still cannot remember a moment where I was so excited and filled with anticipation (gaming/media related). Playing Demon Hunter on my first day when I got out of school was so amazing. I think I still had a curfew back then. It absolutely breaks my heart to see the pitiful state that it has been left in. Coming from a place of love, I've stopped taking copium and I think that this masterpiece of a game should just die already.


Legion was also the best expansion for druids. The druid got new shapeshift forms for each specialization. As a feral player myself, that blew me away! Never have we even been able to show off with gears in our shapes, it was the same forms you see in battles, all the time.
