How The Foreign Legion Proves WOKE Culture WRONG

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When most Western countries face military recruitment problems, the French Foreign Legion receives 7 times more candidates that spots available. What is their secret? And why is their message so popular with men from all over the world?

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French foreign legion is surprisingly diverse without even trying to sell itself out as diverse for the sake of diversity.


The French Foreign Legion gets new recruits simply by saying "We don't care where you're from, what you did, or who you are. We will break you, and if you can pick yourself up and put yourself back together, then you're one of us."


As a french, I can assure you that these guys are the most beloved regiments of our armed forces, because we know that when shit hits the fan they will be the first to go.


I’m Canadian and I can’t believe how badly this government has put us down the toilet in such a short time. It’s embarrassing to be Canadian now. I think that in 5-10 years I’ll be thrown in jail for saying these kinds of things.


The thing is: the french foreign legion is the most inclusive institution in the world: it accepts anyone regardless of nationality, race, religion and past, but it is also a proud, hardcore combat unit.


When I was in the USMC we did a 3 week excursion in Nimes France with the legion where we traded tactics and practiced clearing rooms, patrolling, etc. with them. On the final day we all drank cheap wine, wrestled, and bullshit with each other in the field. It was a fantastic time, I will say. These guys were as tough as nails, did 6 mile warmup runs. Good dudes.


A guy I knew from my town in Republika Srpska had the dream since primary school to join the legion, little to say he was made fun of for that and he stuck with the idea for years, worked out, shaved by the river with an axe(he was ridiculed for this) the moment he became 18, he took out a loan without telling his family(idk how he didnt have a job) and bought a 1 way ticket to Paris. 5 months of not posting anything on his facebook he posted a photo when he became officially a part of the legion.


A French soldier, Philippe Maine, was in the battle of Malakoff in Crimea, he got the Legion d'Honneur, he then fought in Italy in Magenta and then left the regular army where he was a NCO and join the French Foreign Legion as a simple private. He went to Mexico and was one of the few survivor of Camerone. After Mexico, the legion being downsized, he joined the 3e régiment d'infanterie de marine (French marines who happened to be the main French colonial troops) and went to Cochinchine (south Vietnam). He returned to France for medical reason and then participated to the 1870 French-German war where in fought in the famous battle of Bazeilles possibly fighting in "La Maison de la Dernière Cartouche" (the house of the last cartridge), another Camerone like fight but with the French marines this time. He was made prisoner by the Prussians in the battle of Sedan. He escaped disguised as milkman, set-up a partisan troop in Rochefort until the end of conflict. He would be released from the army for medical reasons after a brief stint in the tirailleurs sénégalais and a return to the 3e régimentd'infanterie de marine. He died in his bed at 63 years in his native Dordogne!
The guy did both Camerone (identity building event of the French Foreign Legion) and the house of the last cartridge (identity building event of the French Troupe de Marine, French Marines) which is quite incredible.


The foreign legion is the best example of "dont chase her and she'll come to you on her own" philosophy at play


Former USMC deployed to Somalia, and I had the pleasure to work with some FFL units. The most hard core, discipled, and professional group of warriors I ever had the pleasure to serve with. Semper Fi from a broken old Tufel Hunden!


Love how you included the critical drinkers “modern audiences” 😂


Thank you for this great video. My father served in the French Foreign Legion between 1960 and 1965. He was a paratrooper and fought in Algeria and once the war finished, served in Djibouti. He never spoke much about the fighting, but instead about the camaraderie and friendship he experienced. He passed away 2 years ago, being a proud legionnaire till the end.


Never apologize to people who should be in an insane asylum or at minimum need counseling


Having worked alongside Legioneers they are the most disciplined soldiers I have met. If one Legioneer finishes his task he will automatically help his brother because his work is not done until the entire group is done. Noting but respect.


I saw a documentary on the French Foreign Legion a long time ago. The one I saw had a recruit from Tibet, I think, who was struggling to master French. They're right about tradition. History and tradition provides stability in your psyche. You know who you are. These Woke people are tearing down everything that keeps society cohesive.


As an American with my mom being French along with her family overseas. I will say I am grateful the French foreign legion has not broken. It’s tradition. Screw woke culture they are discussing everywhere they go.


I know a retired Legionaire (from Egypt).
A few points: 1.) they are absolute professionals 2.) they do not lie (ask a specific question, they will say they don't know if necessary) 3.) they consider the regular army to be a civil service job (and from what I've seen the regular army officer corps thinks the same way).


As French, I am sure about only one thing about the Foreing Legion ; don't start a bar fight with them, if somebody does, just run for your life ;)


As an American combat Vet (US Army 505th PIR 82nd Airborne Div.)
I say without reservation, the French Foreign Legion is absolutely OUTSTANDING! During my years in the US Army Airborne, I had contact with "La Legion Etrangere REP" That is the Legions Airborne Unit (Regiment Etrangere Parachutist).
And, as this excellent Video shows, these Legion Troops were awesome in everyway. My sincere salute, and BRAVO, to the top tier Elite LA LEGION ETRANGERE! God's Speed to You!


*State:* Our military is too intolerant

*Military:* Thanks, that's what we exist for
