How to Create Your First App in Compose Multiplatform for Android, iOS & Desktop | KMP For Beginners

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Compose Multiplatform Tutorial
Kotlin Multiplatform Tutorial
Compose Multiplatform App Tutorial
Kotlin Multiplatform App Tutorial

In this Kotlin Multi Platform Android Studio Tutorial, We will learn about How to create Compose Multiplatform App for Android, iOS and Desktop in Android Studio. We will understand about What is Compose Multiplatform UI Framework. Full Guide to Kotlin Multi Platform(KMP). Compose Multiplatform Tutorial for Creating Android, iOS and Desktop App

All Chapters
00:00 KMP & Compose Multiplatform Introduction
02:16 Create Compose Multiplatform Project
05:44 Pre Required Tools For KMP
06:06 Understanding Compose Multiplatform Project Structure
07:08 Project Introduction
07:30 Adding Required Dependencies
14:29 Adding Json Data Classes
16:17 Creating Repository, Http Client & Apis
19:57 Adding View Model
24:25 Creating the Products Grid UI
36:29 Setup Compose Image Loader
40:29 Finishing the UI and Running the Apps for Android and iOS
52:19 Running and Testing for Desktop Target
54:49 Adding Scrolling Support for Desktop App
57:06 Wrapping Up

Queries Or Topics covered in this Android Studio Tutorial
Kotlin Multiplatform for Beginners
Compose Multiplatform Tutorial for Beginners
Kotlin Cross platform app Tutorial
Kotlin Multiplatform App for Android & iOS
Compose Multiplatform App for Android & iOS
Kotlin Multiplatform Api Call
Compose Multiplatform Api Calls
Compose Multiplatform Shopping App
Compose Multiplatform Ecommerce App Homepage
Kotlin Multiplatform Ktor
Kotlin Multiplatform kotlinx serialization
Kotlin Multiplatform View Model
Compose Multiplatform View Model
Compose Multiplatform moko mvvm tutorial
Kotlin Multiplatform Image Loading
Compose Multiplatform Image Loading
Android Jetpack Compose Tutorial
Compose Multiplatform For iOS App
moko mvvm tutorial
How to use KMM module in iOS Swift Ui
What is Kotlin Multiplatform
What is Compose Multiplatform
Why to use Kotlin Multiplatform
Why to use Compose Multiplatform
Kotlin Multiplatform Advantages
Kotlin Multiplatform for iOS Swift
KMM Tutorial for Beginners
KMP Tutorial for Beginners
Using Kotlin in Swift
Using Kotlin in iOS App
How to use Ktor in Kotlin Multiplatform
Using Ktor In Kmm Module
What is Kotlin Native

Github Source code link for video:

Youtube Link for How to Create Kotlin Multiplatform App for Android and iOS with Shared logic and Native UI :

Github Source code link for all Jetpack Compose Course Tutorials:

You can checkout this playlist for Navigation In Jetpack Compose
Full Guide to Jetpack Compose Navigation

Android Jetpack Compose Free Course Full Playlist

Checkout Free Xml Based Android App Development Course playlist


jetpack compose android
android compose tutorial
How to Use Jetpack Compose in Android Studio

Рекомендации по теме

I cant believe it, it works, youre amazing, i cannot find KMM youtubers lately, but your videos does


great work.. cover more videos on building desktop apps using kotlin


Nice work buddy, keep doing good work!


Hello my friend, excellent video, now I have a question, how do I export the installer of the desktop app using Android Studio and how do I export the apk of the Android app?


good tutorial.
sir, please add using dependency injection and pagination in this project🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Unresolved reference: NSCachesDirectory



can i follow this tutorial and code along with my window machine ?


How do I change status bar color in compose multiplatform ?


hi sir, should we must have mackbook for trying kotlin multi platform?


how to make an file application like Apk in android for desktop in compose Multiplatform


Bro, for some reason for me the images of the products are not loading on Android I am getting the grid without images. It is working fine on iOS and Desktop .What could be the issue?


hey! thanks for this tutorial. im having some issues when trying to build the iOS app... SOMETHING LIKE THIS:
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_objc_msgSend$transitLifecycleToStarted", referenced from:
-[CMPViewController in
"_objc_msgSend$exceptionWithName:reason:userInfo:", referenced from:
-[CMPViewController transitLifecycleToStarted] in
"_objc_msgSend$window", referenced from:
cmp_isInWindowHierarchy] in
"_objc_msgSend$parentViewController", referenced from:
cmp_isInWindowHierarchy] in
"_objc_msgSend$view", referenced from:
cmp_isInWindowHierarchy] in
"_objc_msgSend$cmp_isRootViewController", referenced from:
cmp_isInWindowHierarchy] in
"_objc_msgSend$connectedScenes", referenced from:
cmp_isRootViewController] in
"_objc_msgSend$cmp_isInWindowHierarchy", referenced from:
cmp_isInWindowHierarchy] in
___54-[CMPViewController in
"_objc_msgSend$viewControllerDidEnterWindowHierarchy", referenced from:
-[CMPViewController viewWillAppear:] in
-[CMPViewController transitLifecycleToStarted] in
"_objc_msgSend$resolveAccessibilityContainer", referenced from:
-[CMPAccessibilityElement accessibilityContainer] in
"_objc_msgSend$isKindOfClass:", referenced from:
cmp_isRootViewController] in
"_objc_msgSend$countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:", referenced from:
cmp_isRootViewController] in
"_objc_msgSend$sharedApplication", referenced from:
cmp_isRootViewController] in
"_objc_msgSend$windows", referenced from:
cmp_isRootViewController] in
"_objc_msgSend$rootViewController", referenced from:
cmp_isRootViewController] in
"_objc_msgSend$class", referenced from:
cmp_isRootViewController] in
"_objc_msgSend$viewControllerDidLeaveWindowHierarchy", referenced from:
___54-[CMPViewController in
"_objc_msgSend$scheduleHierarchyContainmentCheck", referenced from:
-[CMPViewController transitLifecycleToStarted] in
___54-[CMPViewController in
"_objc_msgSend$presentingViewController", referenced from:
cmp_isInWindowHierarchy] in
"_objc_msgSend$accessibilityContainer", referenced from:
+[CMPAccessibilityElement in
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
