5/05/2021 - DSC - The Quantum Revolution: Opening Remarks & Keynote Presentation

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This Director's Special Colloquium honoring Argonne National Laboratory’s 75th Anniversary examines how quantum computing, communication and sensing will change the world.

Keynote speaker Dario Gil, Senior Vice President and Director of IBM Research, presented on “From the lab to the world: The emergence of quantum computing, how it would change the landscape of computation, and what’s coming next.”

Following the Keynote, Gil responds to audience questions in a session moderated by David Awschalom, Senior Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory; Liew Family Professor in Spintronics and Quantum Information, University of Chicago, and Director, Chicago Quantum Exchange and Q-NEXT.

Panelists also included: Stephanie Wehner, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor in quantum information at TU Delft, Birgitta Whaley, Director, Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Center, and Jun Ye, Fellow of JILA and a Fellow of NIST.

Quantum phenomena such as entanglement, superposition and interference, are now being harnessed by researchers to develop radically new methods of computing, communication and measurement. Over the next few decades, these applications could transform the way we live and work, from deploying unhackable communication networks to opening up new realms of scientific inquiry with arrays of ultra precise clocks.

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