Don't Give Up Your Faith In God! Do This Instead ✝️🙏🏿

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Life is filled with challenges that can make you feel like giving up. Whether it’s facing doubt, fear, or criticism, staying strong in your faith is crucial. Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

This verse encourages us to persevere and stay committed to our beliefs and dreams. When overwhelmed, lean on your faith and stay grounded in your prayer life and devotions. Here are some steps to help you overcome challenges and avoid quitting:

Daily Prayer and Meditation: Begin each day with prayer or meditation to center your thoughts, reduce anxiety, and set a positive tone.

Stay Connected with a Faith Community: Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals. Attend church, join a Bible study, or engage in faith-based activities.

Set Small, Achievable Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller tasks. Celebrate each small victory to maintain motivation.

Keep a Gratitude Journal: Writing down things you are grateful for can shift your focus from problems to blessings, boosting your mood.

Seek Inspiration from Scripture: Regularly read Bible verses on perseverance and faith, like Philippians 4:13, "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Practice Self-care: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Ensure you get enough rest, eat healthily, and engage in joyful activities.

Remember Your Purpose: Reflect on why you started your journey. Keeping your purpose and passion at the forefront helps push through tough times.

Believe in yourself, stay grounded in your faith, and never give up. With perseverance and trust in God, you will overcome any obstacle.

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Psalm 25:1 In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. I trust in you


Amen. So difficult. That is why we all need community


I’m a 61 year old grandma and I can say a 100% amen! You are a light for a time such as this🙏🏼


I agree. I get so much crap from people because I'm a Catholic. And I love Jesus. Being a Christian is tough. That's why I do my devos every day and pray my rosary 3 times a week. This world has turned evil.


For me raised LDS and specifically living in Utah is so difficult, It’s hard because I feel like I’m going upside way from others including my own family. Pray for me .


Im doing the Surrender Novena right now. I have to give it to Jesus. Please pray for me that i can not worry about things. Jesus is in charge. thank you i really think we need each other so much right now. God bless you! ❤🙏✝️


I really like you! You are a strong inspirational beautiful Catholic woman. It is definitely challenging to be Catholic now. You are helping me stay the course. God bless you!!


Its getting harder, I keep getting tolld about the 7 books ADDED ti the bible the other day


Not even 5 min before seeing this video I was getting discouraged thinking of how hard it is to prepare a general confession. I started last year.
Minutes later, I see this. Thank you God, for everything and your perfect timing. And thank you, sister in Christ for making encouraging content.


Being a Christian is tough. Being Catholic is even harder. I’m really disheartened by the attitude that I get from some non- Catholic Christians. I never knew until I knew.
