Joe Rogan On Lessons From The Pandemic: 'VOTE REPUBLICAN'

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Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss inconsistencies in the federal government's Covid messaging and how the pandemic will impact trust in public health going forward. #Covid #WhiteHouse #Biden #fauci

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This woman has selective memory!!! YES people were being separated from grandma in order to save grandma....Dont change the facts now lady!!!! I work in a nursing home and guess what, the elderly are dying!!!! And NOT because of


Love how Briahna ignores the numbers from this fiasco but manages to mention Trump as her cause.


Did anyone else find how Briahna glossed over her lie about Florida's death rate to be bothersome? She just moved onto another talking point without acknowledging it. I used to like her until I started seeing stuff like this. She does this routinely to make her points.


I'm no fan of Trump but let's be honest here. Mainstream media was dominating the conversation, fearmongering, and applying MASSIVE pressure everywhere to implement the strictest measures and to silence dissent. Anyone, including at the highest levels like the President, who pushed back on their dictates was shouted down and insulted.


Anyone who is pro-forcing anyone to do anything they don’t want, I will vote against. Don’t care what party they are


Florida was 3rd most deaths by raw number. 13th in deaths/population and 6th in infections/population.
Considering it's the second highest in average age in the nation that's decent and they didn't wreck their economy to accomplish it, which was a bonus.

Trump was president when lockdowns started but he always spoke against them, politico article from mar 20th 2020 "I don't think that we'll ever find that necessary" and later in august 2020 he was still criticizing them.

These were as they should have been state and local decisions since the US is a federalist system.


Glad Robby finally got a backbone and told her that Florida did not have the most deaths.


Briahna @ 2:20 "Florida had 2nd highest COVID deaths rate by statistics"
TRUTH: Florida had the 14th highest deaths (per 100K) from COVID, they also have the 2nd HIGHEST number of people OVER THE AGE OF 65 in the US next to Maine. - From Statistica - Does the truth even matter anymore?


Bri caught manipulating stats again - the progressive view of the world…if the stats don’t back your conclusion rhen simply omit, manipulate or lie about them until they do. Good job Robbie to calling her out. You need to do more of this


The case to look at is Sweden. They had very little lockdown and schools remained open. They had a higher infection rate initially, but at the end of the day their per capita death rate ended up about in the middle. They did it right and we almost couldn’t have done it worse.


Briahna's defense of government Covid measures is revolting


its funny.. Bri keeps saying "its important to remember how we were talking about it" - while then going on to completely mischaracterize how the government was handling it.


For the life of me, I simply cant understand how anyone can still justify that measures that were taken for covid. For anyone to truly believe the govt was looking for the common man is simply ignorant.


I couldn’t do my job of 20 years without the vaccine. That’s all that needs to be said.


I’m glad Robbie called out Brianna’s BS about Florida having the second highest death rate. They are 13th with the second highest elderly population. How can you be that off with your numbers and not apologize? She didn’t even bat an eye.


Briana is making it harder and harder to watch all the way through.

2:20 “Florida has second highest death rates by statistics” “I certainly have no interest in defending the Democratic Party”?! 🤣.


Trump allowed independent governors from each state to do as they wanted.


My mom died during this covid time and I think that it was partially due to depression. When covid hit we could not go visit her except for an hour a week and she would always talk about how she became a prisoner and how isolated she felt not being able to see her grandkids. I feel so bad for any older person who has been in a nursing home during this time.


Bri, again, quotes raw death rates for Florida. Age-adjusted, they are middle of the pack.


I’m glad to see Robby standing his ground and not letting Brianna roll over him.

People absolutely were separated from their grandparents for months and months. When they were in nursing homes.
