JavaScript Promises -- Tutorial for Beginners

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JavaScript Promises and all their glory! This is episode 12 in a 10 part series I’m calling 10 things Javascript Developers Should Know But Probably Don't.

JavaScript Promises
Different phases of a Promise
Chaining Promises
Handling errors using Promises
Benefits over callbacks and callback hell
What do they all mean and why do you need them?

JavaScript Promises from the series "10 Things JS Developers Should Know"

*** Announcement ***
Full JavaScript Mastery course is coming! Details at the end of the video. Sign up for Early Access here:

0:00:00 Intro
0:01:48 Async vs. Sync
0:03:29 The problem with Async
0:07:00 Convert to Callback
0:08:00 Convert to Promises
0:10:32 Different phases of a Promise
0:11:47 How to use a Promise
0:14:47 Why do we like Promises?
0:16:30 Chaining
0:20:59 Benefits of Promises over Callbacks
0:22:50 Error handling, REJECT and .catch()
0:30:23 .finally()
0:31:50 Real world example with fetch()
0:34:30 Summary
0:35:13 Next...
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🎉👨🏻‍💻 JavaScript Promises and all their glory! This is episode 12 of a 10 part series I’m calling 10 things Javascript Developers Should Know But Probably Don't. Enjoy!


I’ve been watching videos for years trying to make sense of Promises, and while I got through it, I’ve always wanted to come back and really understand them. Your video turned the light bulb on for me. Wow! I had to tip you for the help!
I appreciate it so much! Definitely subscribing!


This is not only coding tutorial rather its an ART!


I am a 15 year old learning front-end development and struggling with promises. After 3 days of exhaustion I found ur video and finally got the whole concept. Thank you for this masterpiece 😍😍


Cannot believe I'm watching this for free, you are the goat


Been watching your shorts for a while, decided to hop into your channel and this is the first video I watched. Holy hell the quality of your videos is mind blowing. You put so much effort into edits and your explanation is very planned, with a set preordained path which makes the most sense.
You've got a new sub.


3 days ago I wanted to watch just this video but the title made me look for the whole series, and I knew that to understand better I needed to watch the previous episodes, and OMG I'M GLAD I DID. I feel I have like a super knowledge now, EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW!! I don't know how to express how grateful I am!! I'm so excited because you cleared all my doubts about promises and not just promises, now I understand Objects() way better! THANKS!! Waiting for your master class!!


I'm so happy to be finding your channel I want to cry. Impeccable production. Clear examples. Perfect pacing - not too fast, not too sluggish. Detailed yet very follow-able explanation. Funny host. thank you thank you thank you.


There aren't many video's that are 30+ minutes worth rewatching, but this one certainly is. Nice video


i can tell you put a lot of passion and effort into your work bro its inspiring


Man your content is so insightful and relaxed at the same time! Loving it.


Thank you so much for making an actually apprehensive video that normal people can understand, explaining the why's and how's in a much better detail than a lot of other videos I've watched! Subscribed and added this to my favorites in case I should I need it in the future! 👍


I really like how your examples lead to real life situations and at the end it doesn't seem that complicated. Thanks!


I just came across your channel. You have a really great way of explaining things and giving them some context. Thumbs up 👍and I'm looking forward to hopefully many more videos like this!


A very underrated channel. I like your style of teaching! Thank you for the content! Keep up the good work!


I stumbled upon your channel from a random YouTube shorts. I am very certain that soon you are going to be a lot of people's go-to channel for Javascript (Or anything that you make content on). The effort you put in to make the concepts intuitive is just top-notch. And I guess it is very evident from the other comments as well. Thanks for the effort you are putting in man


This is the first time I'm seeing this guy, 30 seconds into the video, and I had to subscribe. Thanks for the video and the fun!


Thank you for this video. Leaned a lot. I was learning about promises a year ago, didn't understand much so skimmed through it. But now i can explain to others what a promise is.


Great work Sina, this is a subject that a lot of people seem to get wrong on interviews. Now I can refer them to this video. 👍🏽


Learn alot from ColorCode in just one month.
Such an amazing content.
The way you explain things is very very very interesting and funny.
*Best JS channel* on YouTube.
Thanks for such a premium content.
Please deliver more.
