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Revelation 18 is upon us. The destruction of babylon.

in this video I discussed my theory on how I see the timeline moving forward according to how I interpret the prophecies in the Bible, combined with my study on the enemies plan.

by studying different forms of gematria, current political leaders and how they fit into prophecy, and plugging in the numerical patterns associated with these people and Bible verses I have discovered a pattern that leads me to believe that the predictive programming we see in music, TV shows, movies, videos, and current events line up with future current events.

for instance, I recently posted in my community tab a picture of a magazine cover from the 70s for sesame Street where Cookie monster was taking bites out of the two twin towers. this happened 911 days before 9.11.01.

Whether you want to believe it or not, there is a script that the New World order has had planned out for centuries.

the prophecies in Revelation and Daniel talk about the seven-headed Beast with 10 crowns. they play a major part in these patterns. I have uncovered a few of them but I am still working on all of them. some of the names include:

Moulay Hassan, crown Prince of Morocco
Donald Trump
Barack Obama
crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
soon to be King William
Hussein, crown Prince of Jordan
Pope Francis
Barron Trump

These people all play a big part in the future prophecies.

The Bible says that those with understanding will be able to calculate the number of the beast. this is what this is all about.

It's not just about applying the number 666 to someone's name. it's much deeper than that and there is more than just the antichrist.

Now I know I may have rushed through portions of this and I know I made a couple of mistakes with what I was trying to get across, and I apologize for that. there is just so much to this and I haven't even hit on the majority of it.

if these days come and go I'm fine with it. I'm not saying I guarantee these things will happen, but I see these things in patterns and it raises a flag in my head so I figured I would share it with everyone.

I don't believe that my job as a watchman is to find the date of the rapture, I believe the true job of a watchman is to alert people when they see danger approaching and that is what I am doing.

I'm sure many of you have watched the movie Leave the World behind produced by the obama's. I believe that movie is literally about the rapture. the title of the movie is the rapture in itself by saying Leave the World behind.

I discovered that the little girl named Rose is the watchman. she's the one that is always looking out and spotting things before others.

she's the one that saw the ship coming towards the beach and told everyone a couple times and they just ignored her until it was right there on the beach.

she was the one that spotted the deer, she was the one that heard the alarm first.

well in that movie they are at the beach when everything begins. the ships are under a Cyber attack then they go back home and the owner of the house arrives at night because there is a blackout in New York city. they sleep through the night and then the next day there is a lot of bad things that happen.

the kids end up sleeping in bed with their parents because they are so scared and Rose tells her mom a story basically saying that she's ready to rely on God and the next morning when they wake up they can't find her. she disappeared and they sent everyone on a search party for her.

I believe that represents the rapture. that would be on 9.6.24 on my timeline.

and if you notice the camera scans over to a house that Rose had discovered where a wealthy person had lived and had built a underground bunker with everything they needed for several years. they left the front door open and no one was there so they showed Rose down in the bunker at a dinner table stuffing her face with food.

I think that was representing our Feast with the Lord in heaven.

that movie is completely about the rapture.

so in summary about that movie, if it lines up with my theory here then the Rapture could be on Thursday night Friday morning in america.

again, just a theory. I'm not setting any dates, I'm just observing patterns and current events.

Don't shoot Me please. 🤣

another theory is that this could be a scenario where we have to leave the big city like lot and his wife. there are many Christians around the world being persecuted right now, like in North korea, china, the middle east, africa, ukraine, russia,. there is war all over the Earth and people are suffering horrible things and I think it's a common misconception that people here in the west and America will never have to endure any hardships.

I just like to explore all options.

anyways, I hope this has been helpful to you. please don't be discouraged if these days come and go.

please ask questions if you have them.

Keep looking up. Maranatha.

Рекомендации по теме

2368.77% of a year from 9/11/2001 = May 14th, 2025 (Israel turns 77y). 2368 = Jesus Christ, in Greek Standard.


Oh Please Lord Jesus I pray we are gone! It will be the best day ever!!! Thank you for all your hard work ❤


JESUS is coming this year....a JUBILEE LOOK UP saints!!


I’m MAGA but I have been questioning the trump/AC theory. He’s definitely a peacemaker. 😂


Hallelujah! One thing we the Bride do know…. The literal Day is NEAR!!! 🙏


Fall 🍁 of Babylon= 123
"Abraham" Lincoln= 123
Your video time = 123
( 1, 2 buckle my shoe )
3, 4 shut the door ...
Thank you for all your work and dedication 💞


Thanks brothr Casey, you're right about thw rapture any day and time now we are finally in September and WW3 will start after the rapture its imminent
God bless you & Your Family amen Jesus 🙏


I set watchmen over you, saying, 'Pay attention to the sound of the trumpet!' But they said, 'We will not pay attention.' (Jeremiah 6:17, ESV)



You go brother Casey.. can't wait either Maranatha King Jesus. See you in the clouds. God Bless.


I hope your research comes to pass. Leaving is all i want.


This is so overwhelming and I am oraying about it! I know the time if grace is about at a close as that was revealed to me in my sourit by the Holy Spirit. I have had some dreams, and visions of New York Tsunami, Hourglass with a ciuple grains of sand left, and a rapture train. I have gad a very deep notion that Trump has an evil intention and isn't to be trusted. This though is far more discernment that I could imagine! I truly pray Oh Lord Jeshua come quickly for your Bride, and oray the church wakes up immediately and souls get saved! You have obviously spent immeasurable hours in the word and in prayer 🙏, I thank you for standing at the wall brother! God bless and make His face shine upon you and yours! Selah Amen


2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means, for that Day shall not come, unless there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition,


Yes! Thank you. Exactly. The main things are the plain things.
And we were/are warned by Christ to be watchful and not to be tricked by tricky men.
Satan must warn us, I have believed since I began trying to figure out what in the world attracted so many men and women in my family into big Freemasonic involvement. "hidden in plain sight", as they say. I look at architecture so much differently since chasing that rabbit.


Dear Brother, I don't care much if and how far you're right or wrong. But I only admire your tenacity and patience and commitment to search and find the Truth. And it's because of it that the Lord is leading you. Blessings. 🎯💌💌


Thank you brother hang in there . Were all feeling it and ready to go ✝️🙏🙄


Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws.


This is not to scuff. I say this with respect but it’s now the 8th of September and so far nothing on your timeline has come to pass. Are you still using this timeline?


This is great work! I know it was time consuming also.
Thank you!

I remember when I first saw your channel you had very few subs.

And the Spirit showed me that you were seeing things similar to what He was showing me.

I said "you need more subs" then I went around telling people to watch you and finally I suggested to repo to promote your channel.

But you still only have about 2000.
To me it means they don't promote you because you are getting it right!

Ps I saw in a vision the eifel tower catch on fire and fall over. A spiritual (invisible) monster kicked it over.
I thought it would happen right after the Olym pics and told my vision in Dana's comments.

I've had visions already that came true so I know this will. Then I saw it on your timeline for confirmation.

Also I heard the date jan 19. Something will happen that day.
Or it may be the mirror for 9 11 and something will be in the middle of them.

Hopefully we are out soon!
They are sending outta time messages in the broadcasts now!


Brother! I love it!! You are awakening!! I feel so grateful for you! I see numbers and I’ve prayed so so much and tried so hard to learn the things you are as well… but the theme exactly the same… the Lord led me to look at these things. Knowledge is power and wisdom is key to unlock it. The mazaroth is the Bible written in the stars. He made sure we can’t miss the message. When they tell us it’s forbidden… by who since when. GOD started speaking to me with numbers everywhere I had no idea numbers had meaning till I notice the patterns in the Bible… I just want you to know I appreciate you! Thank you so so much for sharing!


Awsome work brother Casey, thank you for all your work and sharing with us. Waiting and watching with you. God bless ✝️
