How To Interact With A Man With A Beard | Eric Bandholz

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Beardbrand is a men’s grooming company that focuses on beard care. We are changing the way to society views beardsmen by shifting beards to a more neutral to positive connotation. We post new videos every Thursday and would love your subscription. Beard on!

Us beardsmen are usually pretty laid back and fun loving people, but there are some unwritten rules on how to interact with their beards. The most important thing is to NEVER touch another man's beard without his permission. The only time this is OK is if he is your boyfriend or husband, and in that case have free reign at it.

From there it's totally cool to ask about his beard or ask how long it's taken to grow. While we get that question a lot, it's a fair question that people are curious about - as well as other beardsmen are curious about.

Never feel ashamed to give a compliment to a beardsmen about his beard. The ole "nice beard" will always bring a pep to my step and is nice to hear. It takes time to grow a beard so it's great to see when someone appreciates it.

If you are dating a beardsman, please support him on his journey but also tell him your true feelings. Let him know if you like it or you don't if he asks, but tell him that you want him to grow if he wants to grow. A beardsman typically doesn't appreciate being told what to do; so allow him to make his own decisions. After all, a man that is free to grow his beard is also a man who's free to shave.

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I was approached in the grocery store and asked by a woman "Why do you have a beard? Are you a hockey fan?" When I told her I just liked having a beard she told me I look like a terrorist. So, my suggestion is don't tell people with beards they look like a terrorist.


A woman touching/grabbing a beard is an act of foreplay, thus the biggest reason another guy should not touch another dudes beard.  If a random woman grabs your beard, it is because she cannot hold herself back.  That awesome growth of manliness has over taken her modern convictions and taken her back to a state of primal animal instinct.


In the medieval period touching another man's beard was offensive enough to be legitimate grounds for a duel, often to the death.


Being a newer full bearded man, (been growing almost a full 5 months) one thing I've noticed is that I have gotten more consistently positive looks and attention from total strangers. Especially from the ladies. Being a very happily married man, I never hide my ring either. Just the nods and compliments alone are worth it. Only problem is waiting to get to the length that I want lol


Do: compliment the beard. DON'T: tell the guy that sports a beard that it makes him look too old, makes him look like a monk/homeless/(insert any status or job that has something to do with beards)


Not long ago, I read a meme that said,  
"- Doesn't your beard make you hot during the summer?
 - It makes me hot all year long."



Always ask permission before touching a man's beard and stroke it, don't (as I have experienced) pull it. Yours in bearded brotherhood.


Probably one of my most hillarious but also best beard compliment moments was when I was at the 2013 Blue Grass Festival in KY and three women on a golf cart with a bullhorn drove past my date at the time and I started chanting, "We like men with beards! We like men with big beards!" After looking around...I was the only bearded man in the vicinity (and as for my date, that was a boost to her ego as well!)

And thanks for sharing these social tips, especially the ones about giving your significant other and friends support but also being honest. This extends way beyond bearding and is an extremely good lesson for us all.


Only at about 3 or so months into this beard, but already I'm fed up with people spewing beard stereotypes at me. I actually started cosmetology school a month ago and on the very first day was told by staff that I could have my beard so long as I don't look like Grizzly Adams or have cheetos sticking out of it. Interesting in a place where expressing yourself is encouraged, there is still some oppression when it comes to facial hair. The consensus overall seems to be that beards are dirty or for lazy people. I make it obvious that I put a lot of effort into maintaining my beard. I was recently asked how often I wash my beard, to which I replied, "With water, daily, with soap, weekly." receiving a resounding "GROSS" from people who had previously agreed that not washing head hair for 3 or more days wasn't uncleanly. If you're interacting with someone with a beard or who is growing a beard, keep the stereotypes to yourself.


You forgot about jokes. Islamic jokes are tiring as fuck. Being called a druid is awesome and made me chuckle, tho.


Literally just had a positive comment from a lady where I work 😀 Always nice to hear. Beard on fellow beardsmen 👍


I get a lot of questions about the color of my beard. I have brown hair everywhere on my body, except my beard is red. Most new people always end up asking why my beard is different. It just is. I didn't choose my genes. Yes it's cool. No my pubes aren't red.


DO feel so proud when your son decides to also grow a beard! Really! That's just such a positive bond.


I had someone I was working with who asked me " why do you have a beard"? I found the question very odd, only could come to the conclusion that he thought I was part of a hate group or something. He also would give me crap during interactions ...who knows.


I subscribed to this channel about a month or so ago, and I've never been more excited in my life to grow a beard. I never would have thought I'd get the balls to grow one and I feared what people would think but I'm a month in and I'm loving it. I can't wait to see what lies in store for the the beardage to come in the next 5 months or so!


Got a comment today from a young lady about my beard, she said it was beautiful and glorious and said I must take care of it! Thanks Beardbrand! Beard on!


I find it funny when some girls proclaim 'they aren't attracted to bearded men". I just look them up and down and compare them to the women I've known who are attracted to a bearded man.


Thank you again Eric :)
One thing I love about having a beard is that whenever you see another beardsman, you almost always get along off the bat. I've started countless conversations about beards, and have always complimented other beardsman. I've even given advice and referenced your channel!
I agree with the no touching of the beard. But that is just because I don't want people getting in my bubble without permission haha. I would say the same thing for my long hair. I've had people touch it before. It is annoying, but it is most definitely worth it!


It's always good when you'r approached by someone because of your beard. It results in very good experiences or some bad experiences, I've had both and I think it's good that beardsmen keep on growing their beards and go out and be receptive to questions, it's not just about having a beard it's about "breaking misconceptions" about the beard
Keep it growing brothers 


Saw you on Shark tank! Sad to hear you never got an offer... You'll do just fine!
