How To Get Periods Immediately By Exercise | The Best Way To Start Your Period Early

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How To Get Periods Immediately By Exercise The Best Way To Start Your Period Early Exercises have different effects on our body. Exercises stimulate blood circulation in the body and thus ensure a better working of the internal systems. Secretion of different hormones in the body can also be triggered due to certain exercises. The menstrual cycle in women is controlled by hormones and hence by doing particular exercises you can expect to have immediate periods.

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I can't believe it really works
I was 12 days late I tried all the remedies but no result but yesterday at night I tried spot jogging and at morning I have my period


Is anyone here who’s scared of getting pregnant and want their period to start?


Usually I don't comment on YouTube Videos. But I decided I'll definitely write a comment in this video if it actually works . My period was 29 days late.And I tried eating vitamin tablets, Iron tablets etc etc.But nothing worked. Finally, yesterday I found this video and tried sopt jogging. Trust me, within 22 hours I got my period.🥳🥳🥳🥳


I had missed my period from 3 months and I did the spot jogging for 2 days( 10 minutes per day) and finally got my period so happy 😁❤️


THANK YOU FOR THIS SO MUCH, i travelling in a few days and was so panicked about getting my period (when I’m travelling is my exact period week) and did this and finally got it in two days :D I also took a bunch of vitamin c and put a heating pad on my stomach every night so this helps !!


Oh my God, thanks so much for this video, I have been having cramps since yesterday but nothing came out. I tried spot jogging, within one minute my period came. Thanks so much!


I got my periods within 2 hours after doing this excercises 👍👍👍👍


I was one week late and I did only on spot jogging for two minutes and got it the very next day. This really works. :)


I had missed periods since last 25 days and this exercise bring my periods only in two days It's amazing


How many of you drinking ginger water like me n with no hope seeing this video expecting for some miracle to happen!!!! 😜


😭😭the most true video I've ever seen on YouTube.
Did some of these exercises (for totally different reasons)...I was so surprised the next morning when I got my period! It was 8 days early and I was so unprepared🙆🏽.
I was so stressed out!!


idk if this has something to do with it but i was a few days late so i did 2mins of spot jogging last night and 2 mins again this morning and added the arch streches. i got my period at sunset. :)


Oh my God! Spot jogging really worked immediately! Been late for 9 days.. i did it on the spot after watching this video.. just did it less than 10 minutes.. and i got my period on the spot! Thank you so muchhh ❤️


This month for some reason my period just didnt want to come and i was getting quite nervous since i go on a ski trip with my school in two weeks. I was a bit skeptical about this, but after reading all the comments i decided to try it. My period started three days after i started doing these exercises. So happy, thank you for this!!


So I thought all the comments before me were kidding about these exercises actually bringing on your period but it turns out they actually work! For anyone struggling with delayed periods, I got sick about a month ago and that period was missed, this second period was delayed and I got worried so I watched this video and spot jogged (2-3 mins a day) and did an arch each day and felt my cramps stronger. By the 4th day I got my period!


guys it really works...i got my periods within 3 days..i was 10 days late spot jogging..atleast 10-15 mins per day with squats & planks lots of loads of papaya n good to go! 😎 goodluck ❤️


The jogging on the spot method really works! I did this and the second day of doing it (for 5 min) it actually works! I was so happy cause my period was 5 days late!! It actually works so try it if your period is late and you want it very soon😃


I did spot jogging for 3 days and finally I got my period after 6 months


OMG IM SHOOK THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! I did the jogging on the spot for 15 minutes, the arch stretch and the twists last night and I just woke up and got my period THANK YOU


Thq for this video really works
