Make Sure You Do These Things Before 2018 (Today!) | Brian Tracy

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If you want to start 2018 off on the right foot and learn how to achieve both your personal and professional goals and resolutions, you need to learn how to set goals properly. Click the link above for my free 12-Step Goal Setting Guide.

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Before the year ends, I'll try to finish reading my 3rd book. It doesn't seem to be much, but this is the first time in my life I have read books. It's crazy to think how much I could have learned If I had acquired this habit earlier in my life. But no problem, I'm 25 and have a whole life ahead of me. I'm really excited with all the changes that have been happening in my life, and I owe a huge thank you to you, Brian. Discovering your channel in late 2016 opened a new chapter in my life. There was the old me before Brian Tracy and the new me after Brian Tracy! Sincerely, thank you so much!

Update: Finished my 3rd book on Dec 30th. Goal for 2018: read twice as much in 2018!


1. I am defining my "why" to be as concrete as possible.
2. I am setting the list of clear and measurable goals for 2018.
3. I am thinking how to surprise the people which are important in my life for the holidays.
4. I am contemplating all good things I have learned during the 6 months of internship in Germany and finding the areas where I can improve.


my to do list
is to de clutter
not only stuff
but also negative thoughts and - people👍


Thank you Sir, I love the video. 1. Am preparing my mind for 2018. 2. I want to move closer to God. 3. Thinking of what will move my business and career forward. 4. Online course in Arbitration. 5. Mortgage/building a small house in 2018.


To map out a plan to start my own acoustic Soloist business. To put into practice a lot of years of guitar 🎸 playing and 3 long years of studying my Diploma of music, due to my disability which is Ankylosing Spondylitis. Merry Christmas 🎄 and a happy new year to all.


My list of things to do before the end of the year is to write down all my debts and pay it and create a better goals for the year 2018.


My most important thing to do is to declutter. To make my physical environment clear of all the distractions. To make the environment conductive to good workflow by creating a good workspace. Also eliminate all the time killing activities like unnecessarily attending phone calls, chitchats and wasting time. So basically, to get hold of my time and space as much as I can. :) Thank u. Good day.


When I started listening to this man and men like him, and reading self development books, that is when I started improving my life. And that's when my self steam started going up and up. Thanks to those who always encourage others and show people their potential.


You are a good human being thank you so much sir. My goal before 2017 ending is to find my real supportive friends to change the world into a better one


Reflect, clean up and de-clutter... physical and digital spaces and thoughts. Make the decision of be excellent in whatever I decide to.


Dear Bryan,
I just graduated from university. And i’ve following you for a while now. Im from Thailand by the way.

Just going to leave a short introduction. I love English. Got a scholarship to study in international university. I got good grades. Put a lot of effort to my study. Yet i had no goals back then. Until i found you on youtube!

I got some of your books now. Trying yo setting goals and making plans.

I am working as an export sales right now.
My goal is to become rich, successful in career, family. I have a chance to move to the states since my sister lives there.

I can say i am building myself from the scratch. But i may got a good start considering my educational background. I didnt look for large companies though. But yeah. What i need right now is experience!!

Thanks. Hope you see this message!!


Before the end of the year, First, I have already given some amount of my money from my salary to my parents for them to prepare for their new year; I saw them very happy and I am so happy as well. Second, I have put my new commitments and action plan for my job for next year; I do hope these commitments and action plan can help me to move to one more step for new position and financial. Thank you so much sir for your inspire video.


Dear Brian, i have been your avid follower of your teachings i feel very enriched by your experience and vision, thanks for sharing these with millions of folks like me who need the guidance and motivation to move ahead in life


Le mental et l intellect ainsi que le savoir et la connaissance permet qu une pensée positive permet d atteindre tous les objectifs merci


In 2018 I shall be a goal setter AND a goal hitter. It’s a must.


I want to look back over the year carefully and see exactly why it was such a great year, then carefully plan 2018 to be even better


I've already done some major decluttering over the past few months, took several trailer loads to the dump and gave a pile of stuff away to charitable organizations, and it feels really good. Working on writing a solid business plan before the end of the year. I also want to do some major goal setting for next year, and I want to set up a written budget for my personal finances, it's not that I didn't have one just not in writing. Thanks again Brian for these nugets, wishing you in the true spirit of the season peace, love and joy.


This December 2017, my goals are:

1. Accomplish the Legal Registration for my NGO, so it can be opperated in the beginning of 2018;

2. Signing all of required aggreements with investor for our current business before he leaves at December 22nd, 2017;

3. Accomplish business plan making of my future resto, so I can start use it in the begining of 2018.


Great words.
My major to do before​ 2018 is self reflection on 2017 vision and plan ahead for greater improvement and achievements in 2018. I really desire to be more than i am now.


To get lean and mean by getting rid of unnecessary things and make a list of daily tasks to help me meet my goal for income increase. Thank You for another significant video!
