Debra Diamond Brings Wall Street Smarts to NDEs, and Mediumship |424|

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Debra Diamond was an elite Wall Street analyst before discovering her ability to talk with the dead and dying.
For more visit:

- Near-death experience science and the ever growing body of peer-reviewed research surrounding it.
- Parapsychology and science that defies our current understanding of consciousness.
- Consciousness research and the every expanding scientific understanding of who we are.
- Spirituality and the implications of new scientific discoveries to our understanding of it.
- Others and the strangeness of close encounters.
- Skepticism and what we should make of the "Skeptics".
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You're my people too, Alex! Thanks for doing the podcast all these years. I've learned a lot!


So....if post experience the reason is to learn a lesson, where does that fit in the ‘big scheme of things”? I too was left wondering. Cheers l love your work Alex!


I'm glad you busted her chops real hard about reincarnation. Sounds like she needs to educate herself, or ask her spirits on her own time why they kept that a secret from her. PS: Skeptiko Jeopardy is a fantastic idea... it has really helped move the shows along and maybe even relaxed the guests somewhat from my view.


In regard to discrepancies in NDEs and reports on Mediums, I am thinking that Consensus Realities, and you are in affect making "Your own Heaven" could be a factor.
