Destiny 2 Lore - Dual Destiny Exotic Mission Lore. Savathun's Plan to use both Light & Dark.

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Destiny 2's Lore and Story from the Final Shape features the new exotic Class Items in the Dual Destiny mission. Dual Destiny sees us being guided by Savathun the Witch Queen to use both the Light and Dark in Synergy. The Light and Dark are seen as binary paths but Savathun is presenting the possibility of a 3rd way. She is rebuking the two forces and might be planning to use this 3rd Way to ascend beyond what she has previously achieved.

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God, everything Savathun says is still so damn good. I want her to be in our ear all the time.


I still consider savathun to have the most "main character" vibes. From her, and her sister's beginnings all the way to now.
Her story is by far my favorite lore in destiny. I really hope xivu doesn't manage to kill her when the time comes


Savathun frustrates me as a character (in a good way) because she's effectively won (separated herself from the forces of darkness, beat the Witness and gained the light) but she doesn't allow herself to accept it. For all the talk of the Sword Logic failing her, she still desperately clings to the lessons of deception and domination that it taught her. She and her brood have effectively conquered death and never have to fear anything until the heat death of the universe.

And she STILL isn't happy. She's trying to fill this void in herself with schemes and goals that only serve to give her something to do, when she's never going to get back the family and happiness that she lost in their pursuit.

There was a lore card from back when she possessed Osiris told from her perspective where she enjoyed a night around a campfire with other guardians, and she was at a loss for how to feel. She had a moment of peace and joy and couldn't process it and it terrified her. And during Witch Queen, we saw her faulter when she realized that the Crill were set up by the witness to become slaves to the worm gods. She showed fear and denial that her enslavement wasn't necessary.

I don't know if she'll be an ally in the future, but I would like to see that aspect of her character further examined.


Savathun appears for 10 seconds in a DLC and immediately becomes the best character


Every new voice line from Savvy I've heard this expansion is just DRIPPING with sass. Debra is just absolutely wrecking it, and I could listen to her bicker with Mara for an entire season. Take my hint, Bungie. Pls


The bickering and insults between queens is royaly exquisite


We’re Byf guys of course we watch the video as soon as it drops


Savathun is like the strict aunt that love us deeply and demonstrates it in an unusual way that we kind of hate until we understand why.


1:57 I think that is the first time that I have ever heard the Bomb Logic mention in game.


Sussythun is always a treat to the ears.


Damn I just got my food. Byf and food is an unstoppable combo.


Savathun is like the Riddler, the trickery in her character forces the writers into good writing or else the character itself doesn’t work


Something to note: at the end of the exotic mission you are killed within the cages by; “drowned in the deep”. I may be looking too far into this but in my mind since savathun talks to you during this time, she may already have regained some of her darkness powers and in true savathun fashion is hiding that from us.


I like those themes. Not only does it create opportunities for fan favourite characters like Mara Sov and Savathun to develop, but it actually opens the path for the Guardian to also develop. We saw slivers of it with our helplesness during the red war, our anger in forsaken, our honest-to-god yearning for power in Beyond Light, and now forsaking a balance betweem light and dark in the name of combining the two into something greater.

I really hope we as a player get to do more things like that. I can imagine, far down the line, obtaining mastery over Hive runes and the title of “God of Death and Rebirth” or something.


Shower thought about Savathun. Season of the Lost, we extract her worm, she escapes, we see her die(outside her throne world) and be resurrected before the traveler. A worm is not required to be reborn/revived in a throne world, Mara Sov proves this. Unless my understanding is wrong, Savathun should have returned to her throne world as other do, and the body raised in light by Immaru is a husk carrying the memories regained. Are there now 2 Savathuns working around us when we believe there is only one? Only holes that get punched in this theory is Eris clearly claimed tribute from "Light" Savathun, and without a worm, Savathun and other hive die quickly without the aid from their worms, so she would only have effectiveness in the ascendant plane. Just a thought, maybe a hole in writing that was overlooked, maybe a hint of whats to come.


I guess Savathun was always curious about what happens if you combine Light and Darkness.
ANd she did get her answer.


Regarding the lore tabs of the Exotic class items - I think the likelihood is that all three of them are speaking to the Traveler.

The Hunter one has lines, "We were both adrift. Along the brinks of space, under the black sky. You enter the lives of people that grow to resent your desertion. But we share the same heart, and I know you. You aren't disaffected." This, to me, speaks about how the Traveler blesses and then leaves civilizations, and how a Hunter "gets it", in that they are known to not stick in one place for very long, and loathe to be stuck in the Tower.

Meanwhile, the Warlock one states, "I'm walking in your nascent memories. Flickering motes. I sense… curiosity. You've always pondered, from the very beginning. As did we. I see tessellation. The pulsating hum of cosmic structure; a kaleidoscopic symphony of Light and Dark. What was the Veil to you?" This, to me, seems like a Warlock pondering a vision of the Traveler, and thinking about how the Traveler was "always curious", just like how the Gardener is described in Unveiling as wanting to see "what would happen", see diverse patterns and shapes emerge, if given the chance. The question, "What was the Veil to you?" is especially telling, as Veil Containment reveals that the Veil and the Traveler may once have been whole; as Light and Dark may have been once the same force.

You realized yourself that the Titan one sounds more like an address to the Traveler, which is what spurred me to read the other ones. To me, it seems evident that all lore tabs are a member of the class speaking to the Traveler in their own way, completely unrelated to the Hive Gods.


I wouldn't be surprised if savathun saying she is "looking beyond this one" she means that she is looking at the flower gamre, and is thinking how to "win" the game of the gardener and the winnower. Her mentioning an "a game supposed to last forever" sounds like what the gardener is trying, an unending universe of possibilities (which also implies she has the faith in us to stop all attempts from the winnover, which is nice of her), and moving onto the next act means she might already see the next knife the winnower is preparing. Unveiling is talking about a game between the winnover and the gardener, and seeing if THEY win, but what if the chess pieces on the board want to win? I think thats what savathun is trying to communicate/achieve, for us, unbound by rules of light or dark, to win a game we were forced to play. If she is the god of deception and she can decieve the first knife... can she decieve the gardener and winnower themselves? Can she break our shackles? Only time will tell.


To be honest. I think that Savathun doesnt have a concrete plan at the moment.
It seems like she is trying to vaguely stay just enough on peoples good side to not get hunted down.
While doing what she can to figure out what is next with the light and dark. Looking for new opportunities.

She feared the Witness and the guardians beat it. So why would she go against us now?


Maybe the winnower is the friends we made along the way
