Being DONE is Better

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I had to make this video before I left - and it didn't exactly come out how I wanted.

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"Finished, not perfect." Funnily enough, the change of scenery in the thumbnail is actually what made me click on the video. It was a nice visual change of pace, honestly.


I started using this philosophy at the start of the UK's first Covid lockdown.
1.) I painted more in 1 year than I had my entire hobby journey in 20 years.
2.) My painting has improved so much faster - simply through quantity of painting - because I was actually getting things done.
3.) It's completely removed my painting anxiety about models not looking good, because I know that even a speed painted model still teaches brush control and all that.


Beyond anything else "Its good enough" has been a mental battle for me for all my life. I was raised to deliver "Perfect or dont bother" which always got in the way of me doing anything, caused total "Fear of failure" paralysis.

Now in my 50s, I'm better, but not there yet.

Last year I set myself a challenging painting goal, 1 human size model a day average. I could only achieve that by accepting "Done is enough" and speed painting everything. TBH, some of the models are not great, but most of them are, and they all have paint on which is better then sitting un used in a box.

I still fight with my mental demons, but accepting that my best in the time I have is good enough has been a game changer in my road to recovery.


The thing about miniatures is that "done" isn't necessarily the end. I make a thing out of, after having played a game, to pick a unit that was involved in something spectacular to bring them back under the brush. Maybe they've shown they're worthy of a highlight. Maybe they were blown away? That's an excuse for adding some battle damage. Having the assurance that a model might get more attention later is a psychological trick that allows me to say: "Done enough! Get on the table."


The "done is better than perfect" mentality has honestly been one of the most freeing life philosophies I have adopted in the last couple of years. I honestly think I do better work now than when I was overly obsessed with doing/being my best and stressing over any (potential) minor mistake.

Another really important caveat in all this to me was that no one says you can't come back and change it later, if you want to. Glad that was mentioned in the video.


As someone who gets anxiety from a lot of stuff this is something I needed to hear thank you Uncle Adam :)
Have a safe flight to and from Denmark can't wait to hear about it :)


3:17 I previously was a MH/BH clinician and this was something I always told clients. "A little bit of anxiety means that this matters to you - that's good!"


I felt that sigh at 8:15 all the way over in Chicago
I just finished a mini diorama scene for a friends bday and I’d already told them it’d be after their birthday before they would get it. I finally called it good enough yesterday and gave it to them. In the end I was proud of what I did even though I knew I could keep it for longer and keep tweaking and painting details.


Finished, not perfect. Once I started following this simple rule, I finally started getting sh*t done


You're my hobby Uncle mate, and like a lot of people here I needed to hear this. Thankyou!


I've not played Tabletop games since the original Necromunda in the early to mid 90's but thoroughly enjoy watching your videos and your sunny disposition. It's like a little trip down memory lane for me each week. Keep up the good work and all the best! Ash - Manchester UK


"This facility has gone 0 days without rolling 1s - Good job" - i love that. I might steal it.

And the video was great, even if a little different. It's cool to see behind behind the scenes sometimes and the message was the most important thing. Good Job 😆


This applies for many things in life, good enough most of the time is better then perfect. Get it done is always an achievement that will teach you something.

Wise words!


I used to be a commission painter and painted to what I consider a very high level. I took some time away from the hobby and on my return the burn out I'd experienced with painting really took it's toll on me and how I painted.

After some time thinking about it and some introspection I've just been knocking stuff out without such a high level of detail, literally slapping on paint willy nilly. The satisfaction I now get from completing units and calling them "done" far outweighs my anxiety and stress of sitting on one mini for days. There's a level of diminishing returns in this hobby, I could spend weeks longer painting single units and they'll only end up being 10-20% "better" in my eyes. At the end of the day they get pushed around a table, "done" is good enough for all of us and better for your mental state.

Safe journey to Denmark ✌🏻


Your sincerity and thoughtfulness is the best part about your videos and you as a member of our community. Everything else is secondary, so take some solace in that. As well...thank you for the message, I think I really needed to hear that today.


Clearing out our hobby room has made me realise I flit from one thing to the other too often. I have a ton of stuff still boxed, built and not yet primed or painted, and a stack of stuff painted but not based. My wife has stuff half painted and sat there for months in a pile, a few models were around £100 as well, just waiting to be finished. If I was like this in the rest of my life it would be a nightmare! I’m getting better at building and painting my newer stuff right away, but now I’m on big resin Forgeworld kits that take me about 2 months to fully build and paint, and I have zero intention of having them sat unfinished.

The biggest help for me was to just keep things simple, and stop trying to be too clever in my painting, coz I would have a really great looking model, and then I would still keep going and inevitably just mess something up and get really upset with myself. Learning when to quit whilst I’m ahead and put my brush down helped a lot.


What's worse for me, is my expectations are higher, my knowledge is higher but my motor skills and eyesight are deteriorating. So every day of procrastination is another day I'm closer to getting a worse result. I'm now working to a mantra of "this day, this game, this scenario" and wanting the best I can do in that timeframe rather than constantly pushing the timeline out trying for perfection.

I'm modelling for 5 Parsecs, 5 leagues and 7TV. I played more games in March than I did in H2 2023. And in April I might double it again, have 20 models needing varnishing and then a quick basing to get more 5 Parsecs and 7TV played. And the fun of playing makes the scourge of painting worthwhile.

Great video and what sound quality issues? I can't hear any but also see above (failing faculties 🤣)


y'know, i really love the gymbal camera and the different shots, it made the video a lot more dynamic. blessing in disguise maybe?


One of the best quotes I remember from an old White Dwarf article (something like 'Painting for the Regualr Joe') was the writer talking about not painting the pupils on his regiment of Dark Elf cosairs and he said something along the lines of 'they just need to look good from 3 feet away'. It's been a guiding philosophy for my Imperial Gaurd army.


The quality of this video is great, you may not have your fancy setup with the windows and lights, but I appreciate the candid/authentic, "hey lets have a one on one conversation" vibe to it.
