JMeter Beginner Tutorial 25 - How to test File Download

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Hi I am Raghav & Today we will learn:
1. How to create test for file download

Step 1: Add Thread Group - HTTP Request sampler

Step 2 : Add values in HTTP Request sampler

Step 3 : Add Listeners to view results

Step 4 : Add Listener - Save Responses to a file

Step 5 : Add values to this Listener

Step 6 : Run and Validate

Helpful Tips

How to avoid overwriting downloaded files.
in a multi-user test

Use function : ${__threadNum} as Prefix


References :

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I stuck on one point and needed your help as I could not get much help on internet.
1. I am using Blazemeter to record my actions on my application.
2. In my application I have to select some criteria on UI (to download only few records) then it is downloading output report on my local as XLSX format.
Note: With this criteria report shows 10-12 records.
3. Then I am using this recorded action in JMETER to check the performance with single user.
4. This request is executing fine and getting response 200 in result tree.
5. Now I change the input criteria (changing in recorded "http request" parameter in JMeter directly) to get huge records in download file (appr. 6500 records).
6. In this case when I start running (by Click Start button), this request is showing response code "500 - Internal Server Error" in result tree.
Q1: Please tell me how to handle this case when we are downloading huge data in XLSX format on the basis of given criteria on UI?
Q2: Or is there any other way to do this kind of work i.e. instead-of recording actions by Blazemeter then play in JMeter?
Need help...
~Devesh Tapan


Hello, thanks for your videos, I have to ask.. do you know any other kind of assertion to verify that the type of the document downloaded was correct for example like .xlsx?


Hi Raghav, your video is very useful. I have one doubt in File Download . How can i check download file format(i need to check my file format is pdf or not). could you help me in this


I have a question. If I download a file (100MByte) 100 times (to test the load), the working-memory of my JMETER PC grows extremely linearly.
Does anybody have a solution ? It looks as if JMETER first packs the file into the RAM and then swaps it out into the file.


Hi, Raghav! Your videos are very good! Congratulations!

Please, could you help me in the situation below?

For instance:

Page 1 (Username and Password) > Page 2 > Page 3 > Page 4 (Select an option and, after that, click the box "Download").

These actions were recorded by Badboy software.

The script was used in JMeter. As "Listener", the option "Save Responses to a file" was chosen. The result was wrong, because a file has a content similar to that of Page 1.

In a manual mode, the file must be a spreadsheet with other information.


Thanks Raghav. I have able to setup a jmx for file download after seeing this video. Even k had set up for image download

But can u pls show some real time example when this should be used in which case. That would be really helpful


Hi Mr.Raghav, Is the Same procedure for Downloading .png image files also....Can u plz help me on this


Hey Raghav! Very informative content,
Can You provide some industry level scenarios, it'll help us better....!!!!


Very helpful video. Could you please help me for folder download scenario as well.



Hi Raghav,
I need help, here my scenario is, these is one preauth tab where case id displays in that cases displays there is upload document option but here this case id is unique for each user and I need to check if 100 user uploads the document at same time for their cases then what will be response


Hi My question is I need to download pdf from my doing load test....if I click on download it will ask file path to save.. one time fine but how it will do video scenario will work?


hi sir, in my case file is only downloaded in Text/HTML format not in .pdf format, so how to resolve this problem sir ?


This HTTP download request can be fit in many differrent servers, including FTP ones, right? FPT download request only fits for FPT server.
Is that the difference? Thank you.


if i "right click " the download option, its not able to show "copy link address" how to do it.once i click the download button its shows csv or xlsx .after selecting csv formate its show "save as " exter folder to record this kind of issues


Hi Raghav, Download API call is giving me 200 as Response code, but when i am trying to check the response data, its shows be blank array.. which actually works on front end. Is this something my script is failing? but actually i am getting 200 response code


Hi Raghav

How to download each time a new file for each loop, I noticed for multiple users it works fine but if I'm using loop controller then it's appending all the file in one single file


Hi Sir, in place of filename prefix, can we include variables ? ${file_save_path} ? i tried but not resolving.


Hi Raghav, I tried to download a csv file which actually i am getting in response.
Data is getting displayed in response perfectly but i want to see the same in downloaded file but it seems to be empty.


Hi, can you help me with the extension. I am able to download the file, but want to open that as excel file.


Hi Raghav,

In our application, there is a section that will generate the graphs which testing that item, JMeter is displaying the processed data along with other important values but the graph how is plotted is not coming. Could you please help me in this like how to get the plotted graph in JMeter.
- Swati
