Kubernetes Persistent Volume(PV) & Persistent Volume Claim(PVC) #springboot #mysql

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Here, you learn about What is Kubernetes Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) and how to deploy Spring Boot, MySQL on Kubernetes Cluster. And also what is ConfigMap, Secrets, Service, Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim(PVC) in Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is a system to orchestrate the dockerized applications by automation of deployments, autoscaling the pods based cpu usage and requests. It simplifies the DevOps Engineer life by automation of deployments in to different environments.

Note: I missed in the video part where I encoded the username and passwords for mysql. Please check them below:
echo -n 'admin123' | base64
echo -n 'testuser' | base64

►PS: Apologies for the unnecessary music in between the demo

0:00 ► Introduction
0:59 ► Creating K8s objects for Spring Boot and MySQL
2:52 ► What is Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim?
21:41► Building Docker image for Spring Boot App
21:50 ► Pull mysql docker image from Docker Hub
24:00 ► Running Kubernetes K8s cluster using Minikube on laptop
30:25 ► Deploying Spring Boot, MySQL on Kubernetes and Testing the app using REST Client

All the commands used in the demo available in Gitgub repo README.md doc. Check it out.

- kubernetes .yml example
- spring boot deployment yml example
- spring boot configmap example
- mysql configmap, deployment, secrets, example
- persistent volume, persistent volume claim yaml example

#techtter #springboot #kubernetes #pv #pvc #mysql

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The content of the videos, ideas given in videos all are self opinionated. The code samples shown in the video are collected from opensource projects shared on github and from other sources. The trademarks and logos shown on thumbnails and in videos are registered for respective companies. This video is not certified or accredited by them.
Рекомендации по теме

there is no persistent volume in the yml
I can only find persistent volume claim

Also, the data is not persisting on the host machinie. Its only limited to the pods.
So, when i delete the cluster and create a new one, all my data is gone.

If I delete the deployment and create a new one, then also, all my data is gone


hi, .... very nice explanation.
but when i tried ur code iam getting whitelabel error ?? can u help me
